debt repayment

6 Tools That Can Help You Boost Your Credit Score This Year

Boosting your credit score takes time and patience, but there are plenty of tools and apps to help you along the way.

5 Steps to Successful Budgeting

Ready to build your best budget? All it takes is five steps to clear financial control.

Should You Go on Vacation While You're in Debt?

Vacation is usually the first thing to go when tackling debt. But it doesn't have to be.

5 Money Accomplishments You Should Be Proud Of

Don't beat yourself up over the financial challenges ahead. Be proud of what you've already accomplished.

4 Signs Your Emergency Fund Is Too Big

Your emergency fund is stocked. Would your extra dollars better serve you elsewhere?

5 Mind Tricks to Help You Conquer Debt

Debt is all about mind over matter. Change your way of thinking, and you'll find financial freedom sooner.

2-Minute Guide: How to Use Balance Transfers to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Balance transfers can help you out of debt in a hurry. Here's how to use them to clear that credit card debt.

6 Personal Finance Rules to Live By in Your 40s

Make your 40s all about securing financial stability. These personal finance rules can help you get there.

How to Benefit From Rising Interest Rates

Rising interest rates aren't all bad. Here's how to make rate hikes work to your favor.

5 Signs You're Financially Average — And How to Improve

You're probably pretty average when it comes to money — but that's not necessarily a good thing. Here's how to move to the front of the class.

Build a Secure Future Starting With Your Next Paycheck

Don't just dump your next paycheck directly into your checking account. Make these wise money moves instead.

6 Questions to Ask Before Taking Out Student Loans

College isn't cheap and a student loan may seem inescapable. Make sure you've checked out all your options before you sign.

Most Popular Ways Americans Spend Their Tax Refunds

Americans are getting smarter about spending their tax refunds. How will you spend yours?

Make These 5 Money Moves Before Applying for a Mortgage

It might seem like everyone under the sun gets approved for a mortgage, but don't be fooled — home loans are no joke. Make these money moves before applying.

You Got a Raise! Now What?

Congrats on those extra dollars in your paycheck! Don't just blow through 'em, though. Put the extra money to work.

5 After the Holidays Moves Your Credit Score Will Thank You For

If the holidays put a hurting on your budget, there's no need to panic. These post-December moves will keep your credit in tip-top shape.

The Simple Way to Decide Which Credit Card to Pay Off First

Don't just wing it. When credit card debt is piling up, one of these strategies can kick your repayment plan into high gear.

5 Tricks to Consolidating Your Debt and Saving Money

Debt consolidation can reduce the interest you pay and get you back in black sooner. Consider these five strategies.

How This Single-Income Family Found Financial Freedom in Just 27 Months

The true, inspiring story of one motivated couple who paid off $37,000 in consumer debt in 27 months by cutting costs and earning extra income.

This Recent Grad Paid Off $34K in Student Loans and Launched a Business (In Just 4 Years)

From intern to entrepreneur, this is the true tale of how a recent grad used her intern experience to launch a business and pay back $34,000 in debt.

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