debt to income ratio

3 Ways Education Can Impact Your Creditworthiness

Education doesn't directly affect your credit; but it can impact your creditworthiness.

9 Warning Signs You Can't Afford That New House

If that new house puts the squeeze on your savings, your dream home can quickly become a nightmare. Here's how to tell if it's really too much.

5 Surefire Signs You Have Too Much Debt

Are you toeing the line of too much debt? These warning signs say so.

5 Money Moves That Will Ruin Your Mortgage Application

You're ready to be a homeowner — but if you make these missteps with your money, you can kiss your mortgage application goodbye.

What You Need to Know About Homeowners' Associations

A home in an HOA may come with fabulous amenities, services, and sense of community. It will also come with a cost.

It's Now Easier to Get a Home Loan Even If You Have Student Loan Debt — Should You?

Fannie Mae is making it easier for buyers with high levels of student loan debt to getL a mortgage. Sounds great — but is it?

3 Ways Student Loan Debt Can Affect Your Mortgage Application

Many factors can sway a mortgage approval. Your student loan debt is one of them.

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Buy a House (Yet)

You dream of kissing the renters' life goodbye, but not so fast. You might not be ready to be a homeowner just yet.

What to Expect When You're Expecting a Huge Credit Card Bill

That hefty credit card bill finding it's way to your mailbox is packing a punch — and to more than just your wallet.

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