
12 Reasons to Stop Eating Sugar Forever

Sugar is surprisingly bad for us. Protect your health — and your wallet — by taking control of your sweet tooth.

15 Delicious Homemade Treats Your Valentine Will Love

There's nothing sweeter than a handmade Valentine's gift — unless it's a delicious and decadent sugary treat, like these.

15 Easy, Mouthwatering Slow Cooker Dessert Recipes

Slow cookers do dessert, too? As conveniently and deliciously as they cook everything else. The only downside of these recipes is the wait.

The Sweet 16: Delicious and Healthy Frozen Yogurt and Ice Cream Recipes

Cool off deliciously and frugally (and kinda-sorta healthfully) with these delicious, easy to make homemade frozen treats.

Why You Should Never Feel Guilty About Eating Ice Cream

Nobody really needs a reason to eat ice cream, but just in case, here are five — plus the science behind why you get brain freeze!

You Won't Believe How Good These Low-Calorie Desserts Taste

Get your sweet on without the guilt and fewer of the calories with these healthier alternatives to your favorite sweet treats.

23 Easy and Scrumptious Microwaveable Desserts

Your microwave can do a lot more than thaw a frozen cheesecake. Learn how to create 20+ delicious desserts from scratch — and fast.

How to Make Whipped Cream by Hand

Whisking cream by hand can seem intimidating, but with a little bit of time and gumption, you can make your very own delicious homemade whipped cream.

Fast, Single-Serving "Fake" Desserts

If you get cravings for little bites of dessert, this is the perfect article for you! Learn how to make quick, satisfying, and small desserts.

Eat Dessert, Save!

Are you skipping dessert because it just costs too much, either in money, time, or calories? Skip no more! Read on for ideas to make dessert easy, affordable, and healthier than ev

The case for caloric labeling

As a conscientious consumer, you have a right to know what you're buying, eating, or wearing. New York City is enforcing a law that requires chain restaurants to provide nutrit

Dump Cake and Other Sweet, Easy Treats

Yellow cake mix goes on sale all the time where I live. For under $10, you can usually score 15 or more boxes! This is great if you’re making cakes, but what if you just don’t have

Rejoice - it's Haagen-Dazs FREE SCOOP DAY.

Can I say, right here and now, I love free anything. But free ice-cream? [more]

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