Real eggs

Have you ever eaten an egg from a chicken that lives outside, eating bugs and worms and grubs instead of just chicken feed? You notice the difference as soon as you crack the she

The many reasons--besides frugality--to do for yourself

Doing for yourself--cooking your own meals, making your own clothes, growing your own vegetables, playing your own music, baking your own bread--is sometimes justified on the groun

Super-Cheap Building Supplies and a Way to Help Your Community!

I’ll admit that my family is the “cobbling” kind of people. Our depression-era farm house was slapped together in a sturdy, but irregular fashi

DIY Baby Care for Your Cheap Bum

A dear friend of mine had six children. She once told me that one secret to their financial stability came in the form of making their own toiletries and bathroom items, specifica

My favorite electronic gadget hacks.

As many of you may have guessed, I'm a Metacafe junkie. I love that place. It's a great resource for those "how to" videos that make life easier, cheaper and quite often, more fun. [more]

DIY Berlin Style

I am a believer in the idea that wealth can stunt personal creativity. When you can buy it all, what’s the need to invent anything? When I was a kid my mother forbade me from playi

Broken down? Turn your pencil into a flashlight.

If there's one thing I know about travel, it's be prepared. But it's sometimes easier said than done. We all know we should carry emergency supplies in the trunk of the car, and one of those essentials is a flashlight. [more]

The hidden beauty secrets of the stars.

So, why is a bald guy with no use for hair products and make-up writing about beauty secrets? Good question, right? But as an ad man, it's extremely helpful to know Hollywood secrets that I can use in the low-budget shoots I often attend. [more]

Build your own computer...submerged in oil.

It's one thing to build a PC. Pah, everyone's doing that. But imagine the look on your friends' faces when you show them a computer in an aquarium filled with mineral oil. [more]

Tattoo removal on the cheap...just use a Black & Decker Sander.

This one takes the cake. I've heard of cheap, home solutions to possible expensive cosmetic procedures, but isn't this going a little too far? It's certainly not for the squeamish or people of a sensitive disposition. [more]

Get your PC to give you coffee, bacon or even an orgasm.

As a frugal shopper, I like to make my products work hard. [more]

The Magic Marker Money Safe

I've never tried a money-belt. I've nevr had enough cash to put in one to be honest. But when I lived in London I was mugged three times, and this little beauty would have saved me a stack of cash. It's a great idea. [more]

Restore your notebook battery quickly and cheaply.

In this short video, a tech-savvy guy shows you how to remove the dead cells, replace them and do a little light soldering.

Pet Peeves Part 2: Good Grooming

DIY pet grooming isn't nearly as difficult as it sounds. If you just set aside a little bit of time each month, you can save a bundle and still have happy, clean pets.

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