doctor’s visit

Simple Ways to Get the Healthcare You Need Without Overspending

Navigating health insurance can be intimidating — and expensive. But with a few simple steps, you really can get the healthcare you need without overspending.

Healthcare Price Lists: A Short (but Useful) Guide

It's difficult to save money on healthcare if you don't have access to cost information. Arm yourself with one of these easy-to-use price lists.

How to Choose a Health Insurance Plan

Your health insurance plan can impact your health...and your finances. But how do you choose? Use this guide to make a smart decision.

29 Ways to Prevent Visiting the Doctor

Sure, an apple a day "keeps the doctor away." But there many other easy, fun, and money-saving things that you can do to prevent unnecessary visits.

The Online Doctor : A Good Use of Your Health Care Dollar?

Like the majority of Americans, I try to make the most of my health-care dollar. If you are also comfortable with a keyboard, consulting an on-line doctor may be a great option.

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