
How to Make Your Pet an Official Emotional Support Animal

If you're looking to make your pet an ESA, there are a few things you should know first.

6 Reasons You Need to Include Pets in Your Will

When drawing up your will, don't forget to include your four-legged family members! They need you, even when you're gone.

The 5 Best Pet Collars

Finding the right collar for your pet isn't easy, but it can be. Get any of collars and your pet will be easily identified, and so so cute.

5 Affordable Alternatives to Pet Boarding

You'd like to take a little trip, but boarding the family pets is pricey. It doesn't have to be.

5 Unexpected Dog Costs You Should Prepare for Now

Dogs are cute, cuddly, and can be very costly. Here's how to prepare for their big bills.

6 Money Lessons You Can Learn From Your Pets

Didn't think you could learn a thing or two about money from your family pet? Think again.

Wise Bread Reloaded: Watch These Adorable Puppy and Kitten Videos and Learn How to Care for Your Own, Frugally

Are these the cutest puppy and kitten videos you've ever seen? There's only one way to find out.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Reduce Vet Bills

Today we found some amazing articles on reducing vet bills, living without a car, and haggling for a better price on everything.

Best Money Tips: Simple Ways To Lower Vet Costs

Today we found some great articles on simple ways to lower vet costs, financial rules every 30-year-old should know, and the worst holiday gifts.

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Vet Bills

Today we found some fantastic articles on saving on vet bills, items you can buy cheaper online than in-store, and the worst money mistakes anyone can make.

Best Money Tips: Things to Consider Before Adopting a Pet

Today we found some fantastic articles on things to consider before adopting a pet, expediting your tax refund, and how to stop living paycheck to paycheck.

Best Money Tips: Save Money With Your New Dog

Today we found some great articles on saving money with your new dog, how to fix errors on your credit report, and saving money by doing it yourself.

Is Pet Health Insurance Worth It?

Everyone is talking about the staggering costs of health care these days, but they don't talk about pet health care. And it's not cheap. Not even close.

My dog's facelift

I just spent $1200 on a facelift for my dog. Before you go telling me that I should be put down, let me explain that it wasn't elective surgery. My dog is a Pekingese, and say w

Pet lovers beware - there's a new scam in town.

If you thought those Nigerian scammers could not sink any lower, think again. It was reported today by WTAE.TV that there's a new scam making the rounds, and this time the scammers are praying on the good nature of pet lovers. [more]

Free Day of Doggie Camp

My friends at Itchmo, Ben and Emily Huh, recently reminded me that Petsmart offers a complimentary day of doggie day camp at participating locations. Need a day off from your fun-loving dogs? [more]

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