down payments

How Much Money Do You Need in Savings When Applying for a Mortgage?

You've saved up the down payment and closing costs for a new house. But do you have enough cash reserves to get the green light from your lender?

Are Starter Homes Still a Thing?

Starter homes used to be the norm. But in today's housing market, you might not need those homeowner training wheels.

6 Common Homebuying Myths, Debunked

The first step toward easing your homebuying jitters is to stop faking yourself out with these falsehoods.

How to Respond to House-Shaming

Everyone you know says you should buy instead of rent. Here's how to tell those house-shamers to pound sand.

9 Warning Signs You Can't Afford That New House

If that new house puts the squeeze on your savings, your dream home can quickly become a nightmare. Here's how to tell if it's really too much.

4 Ways to Help Your Adult Kids and Still Save for Retirement

You want to take care of your kids. But you also need to take care of your own financial future.

Weak Credit? You Can Still Get a Mortgage Despite Tough Lending Standards

Your credit score has seen better days, but that doesn't mean you can't get a mortgage. You have options!

Buying a House? Here's Where to Keep Your Down Payment

When you're saving for a house in the near future, it's the return of the money, not the return on the money, that matters most.

Are You Putting Off These 9 Adult Money Moves?

You're not a kid anymore. So get to work on these grown-up financial decisions.

It's Now Easier to Get a Home Loan Even If You Have Student Loan Debt — Should You?

Fannie Mae is making it easier for buyers with high levels of student loan debt to getL a mortgage. Sounds great — but is it?

5 Things to Consider Before Buying a Home When You're Single

Single homeownership is on the rise. Before you embark on the homebuying process solo, consider some important factors.

5 Times Buying a Home With Cash Is Bad for Your Budget

If you have enough cash to buy a house, that's great! It still doesn't mean it's always the smartest financial move.

How to Build Equity in Your Home

Truly owning your home takes time and money. If you want a bigger piece of the homeownership pie, here's how to build equity.

Do You Really Need a 20 Percent Down Payment for a House?

Don't let the giant down payment dash your dreams of homeownership. You have other options!

Make These 5 Money Moves Before Applying for a Mortgage

It might seem like everyone under the sun gets approved for a mortgage, but don't be fooled — home loans are no joke. Make these money moves before applying.

The Self-Employed Person's Guide to Getting Credit

Being self-employed is amazing — until you find yourself struggling to get financing. These tips will have lenders loving you.

6 Money Moves to Make the Moment You Decide to Buy a Car

You're ready for a shiny new set of wheels. All you need to do is make these important money moves, first.

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Buy a House (Yet)

You dream of kissing the renters' life goodbye, but not so fast. You might not be ready to be a homeowner just yet.

What Is Private Mortgage Insurance, Anyway?

That little acronym — PMI — pops up quite a bit for new homeowners. Here's what it is, and how much it may cost you.

Everything a First-Time Home Buyer Needs to Buy a House

Buying a home for the first time can be super stressful. Get your finances move-in ready before you start your hunt, and it'll go easier than you expect.

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