
9 Financial Mistakes You're Making at the Doctor's Office

If you keep making these money mistakes at the doctor's office, your wallet will really start feeling the pain.

How to Make Sense of the Different Parts of Medicare

Medicare is complicated. Let's break down all its moving parts.

EpiPens and Other Ways Companies Have Profited From Your Pain

The EpiPen price hike is no special circumstance. Pharmaceutical companies are making bank on your illness, one pill at a time.

Your Daily Dose of Caffeine May Be Hurting You

Although the FDA considers caffeine "generally safe and reliable," that daily jolt is not without consequences. Learn how it may be harmful.

Making Money From Clinical Trials: Worth the Risk?

Participating in a clinical trial can deliver a sizable payday in a short period of time...but is the money worth the risk?

Generic Drug Price Lists For Six Major Pharmacies - Updated

You've seen the ads on TV offereing $4 generic drugs, but then when you get your prescription filled it's not $4 at all. As it turns out, every pharmacy has their own slightly d

The $5 Gadget That Can Save You Thousands of Dollars

Split the cost of your medication in half by simply doubling the dose and splitting the pills in half.

Free Prescription Drugs for Those Who Qualify

Prescription drugs are expensive. While generics do offer some relief, if you have to have several filled, your pharmacy bill can add up fast.

Being asthmatic just got more expensive

Feeling wheezy? Asthma attack coming on? Reaching for that inhaler? Let's stop and think about the CPP (cost per puff). Oh, it may not seem like much now, but that will all change soon. [more]

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