Extra Commentary

Important Habits of Very Frugal People

We've all read about (or heard about) the habits of highly effective people — but what about the habits of the fantastically frugal?

How to Get 5-20% Cashback on... Pretty Much Everything

The Discover It Card gives you 5-20% cashback on, well... pretty much everything, thanks to a 200+ list of participating retailers that's just that strong.

8 Ways to a Healthier Workday

Long hours in the office chair can lead to serious health risks. Take these steps to prevent your workday from harming you in body and soul.

10 Lessons From The Inc. 500

Inc. Magazine's annual list of the top 500 fastest growing businesses is out. How does your business measure up?

Actually, the Rich Don’t Create Jobs. Demand Does

There's been a lot of talk in the last few months about taxes on the rich. But do the rich really create jobs, or is it a smoke screen?

5 Ways to Manage Your Online Reputation

If you aren't telling your online audience what to think of you, someone else is.

The Census Questions 8 and 9

While filling out this year's census I wondered, how relevant are questions 8 and 9 going to be to the government programs they might serve? Don't the questions themselves make the

How to Get Emails from the President

I got an email from President Obama yesterday. Did you? The email was from a whitehouse.gov address, not democrats.org or another political site. So, if you were one of the 13 mi

Philip Brewer's fiction

This post won't go up on the front page at Wise Bread; only people who subscribe to my posts via the RSS feed or email should see it. Even for you guys, I'll keep it short, becaus

Three reasons to stop freaking out about socialism

McCain-Palin are trying to paint the Obama-Biden ticket as a bunch of socialist nutjobs. But 'socialism' isn't nearly the red menace that they are making it out to be, and McCain h

The Make You Wanna Holla Presentation

In a realm where the DJ is dead and many spend more time texting and e-mailing than talking, defeat the Borg with a little bit of imagination. And if you've got your PC or Mac join

Are You Stealing From Your Photographer?

We've removed this article from our archives. We have great respect for photographers and their work. We do not endorse reprinting copyrighted photographs even for personal u

Know a homeless veteran who needs a job? Call Bill O'Reilly.

Last night, quite by accident, I found myself listening to Bill O'Reilly's "The Radio Factor." This is not a habit of mine, I left work late and don't usually

Blogs are Not Second Class

Those of you who have come to know Wise Bread and Parenting Squad are probably aware that they are blogs – Killer Aces Media FairBlogs ™ to be exact.

What If Everyone Suddenly Became Frugal?

What if a magical spaceship from the planet Cheapos came to earth and brainwashed everyone so that every single American stopped buying useless junk and started to live way below t

The one website everyone needs to read (apart from WB of course)

I like to keep up with all the latest news and info. I'm a big fan of Digg, BBC news, NPR, CNN, all the usual suspects. I thought I was fairly well-versed on the places to get

Poem on opting out

A while back I wrote a piece on Opting out of the money economy, a topic I've long been interested in. Because of that long inte

The two-mile challenge

Bicycling for transportation is something that's important to me, so I was immediately attracted to the

Should George W. Bush write for Wisebread?

I'm not sure how many of you watch the news or read the news blogs on a daily basis. I know I can't, it's way too depressing to do every day. But when I saw that George W. Bush, ou

Exercise (and alcohol) good for your brain

A story in the New York Times says that exercise helps human brains build more neurons (a process called neurogenesis). It also reports on some mouse studies that show that exe

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