fannie mae

It's Now Easier to Get a Home Loan Even If You Have Student Loan Debt — Should You?

Fannie Mae is making it easier for buyers with high levels of student loan debt to getL a mortgage. Sounds great — but is it?

8 Valuable Rights You Might Lose When You Refinance Student Loans

You can refinance your mortgage to chip away at federal student loans faster. But be cautious: It comes at a cost.

Everything You Need to Know About Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

The names Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae probably ring a bell, especially if you've applied for a mortgage lately — but who or what, are they, exactly?

6 Important Things You Need to Know About the Housing Market in 2016

Whether it's your dream to own a home, or you already own your dream home, catch up on what's coming for the market this year.

How does the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailout affect you?

Yesterday Henry Paulson decided to use the power given to him by the housing bailout bill to officially take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This is a decision that has a huge im

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