financial habits

How Your Bad Credit Can Impact Your Kids

Worried about the effect your bad credit may have on you? You also need to consider how it can affect your kids.

Ask the Readers: What Good Financial Habits Do You Have?

Tell us about your good financial habits and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Simple Habits That Will Transform Your Finances

Today we found some great articles on simple habits that will transform your finances, where to find popular toys for cheap, and how to save money as a poor college student.

Best Money Tips: 27 Good Financial Habits for Ultimate Success

Today we found some great articles on good financial habits for ultimate success, what it’s really like to quit your job to travel, and cheap and easy meals for your summer table.

5 Types of People Who Can't Avoid Debt

Some people just can't avoid falling into debt — and staying there. Are you one of them?

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