first job

Ask the Readers: What Was Your First Job Ever?

Tell us about your first job ever and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

13 Businesses Your Tween Can Start

Who says you need to be an adult to create a successful side hustle?

12 Entry Level Jobs With Surprisingly High Salaries

There's no need to struggle right out of school if you land one of these high paying entry level jobs.

Ask the Readers: What Was Your First Job?

Tell us about your first job and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Money Lessons People Learn at Their First Job

A first job teaches plenty about getting and keeping a job. A first paycheck teaches us a few things about getting and keeping money, too.

What you need to know about getting what you want at work

Yesterday, I had a one-on-one with my boss. I knew the meeting was coming up, and I also knew that my job had changed recently and I wasn't thrilled with those changes. So I did so

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