
5 Easy Ways to Take Better Care of Your Back

Back pain can make even the simplest tasks painful and difficult. Keep your back healthy and pain free with these simple health and fitness tricks.

50 Ways to Walk More

There's an easy way to lose 10 pounds and 2 inches off your waist — walking 10,000 steps a day. Here are 50 great ways to get those steps in.

6 "Good" Eating Habits That Are Keeping Us Fat

Having a hard time dropping those last five? It may be due to a "truth" you learned long ago and haven't given a second thought...until now.

20+ Healthy Habits That Can Hurt You

A fit and healthy lifestyle is the surest way to avoid harm, right? Not always. Find out what good habits may be bad for you.

8 All-Natural Ways to Relieve Sore Muscles

A tough workout is good for mind and body, but it doesn't always feel that way. Relieve those day-after aches and pains with these natural, effective remedies.

Live Long and Prosper With These 15 Small Healthy Habits

When it comes to living longer, healthier lives, it's the little things that count. Add a few (or all!) of these habits to your routine and feel better, longer.

10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes

Reducing your risk of developing diabetes is not complicated. All you need is the willingness to make a few simple lifestyle changes.

Lose Weight and Eat Better With the 8 Best Diet Apps

Dieters with smartphones have a wide selection of apps to help count calories and track progress. Check out this trim list of the eight best.

25 Reasons Why You Should Take a Walk

Walking is simple, accessible, and good for the mind, body, community, and soul. If you're looking for an excuse to go for a walk, try one or two of these.

Best Money Tips: Get Your Exercise Without Going to the Gym

Today we found some awesome articles on getting exercise without going to the gym, cheap London Olympic travel, and grocery items with a long shelf life.

Financial Tricks to Master for a Happier Life

Is it really money you are after? Get your life back and live happier!

8 Ways to a Healthier Workday

Long hours in the office chair can lead to serious health risks. Take these steps to prevent your workday from harming you in body and soul.

Should You Take More Breaks At Work?

Time is money, but only if you are using your time... energetically.

20 Fitness Gifts for $15 or Less

From cyclists to swimmers, find great (and inexpensive!) gifts for the fitness-lovers in your life.

8 of our Favorite Fitness and Diet Smart Phone Apps

Those of us with smart phones are fairly certain we can’t live without them. In fact, chances are good that if you use them right – than can actually help you live longer! See wh

Being Healthy Can Have Big Cash Rewards

I recently became a member of my wife’s gym. I had always hesitated, being a frugal person I preferred to work out at home with a few weights and some exercise DVDs. But, when I di

Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk

There’s one fact that is undeniable in America; we just don’t walk enough. A dependence on automobiles, elevators and escalators, coupled with a growing lack of interest in exercis

The Ultimate "Green" Workout

Recently our own Xin Lu wrote a post on a motivating way to lose weight (a very interesting piece.) Imagine my surprise when a commenter spoke my mind by sharing the ultimate in “

Is the Wii Fit a cheap workout?

I’ll be honest, I’m not a fitness nut. I don’t like exercising, it always seems like a chore. But what if it wasn’t? What if it were, dare I say it, almost a game? That’s what Wii

GYM Class: THE DIY, DIFNF Thesis

If you know that you aren't going to be able to work out more than three times a week, if you have a fitness center in your apartment complex or if you're self-motivated an

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