
How a Goodwill Letter Can Save Your Credit Score

One money mishap can wreck your credit score. A simple goodwill letter just might help.

It's Never Too Late to Fix These 5 Money Mistakes From Your Past

Sure, you made a few money missteps in your youth. It's time to forgive yourself, move on, and tackle your finances like a grown up.

10 Ways to Repair a Burned Bridge

We've all ended a work or personal relationship badly. Mend a broken connection and you'll regain a valued friend or a colleague -- forever this time.

One Thing You Need to Do to Be Happy and Improve Your Relationships

Discover how one technique can help you move forward, joyfully.

21 Decisions You'll Never Regret Making

Put life's regrets aside for a moment and focus on these anti-regrets. You don't want to look back on your life and say, "I wish I did that!" right?

Letting Go: 8 Steps to Forgiveness

Overcoming past wrongs and forgiving those who have hurt you can be one of the most difficult things — and one of the most rewarding.

Five Free Ways to Improve Your Life

Making improvements to your quality of life isn't always going to be about money. Usually, the sea changes that make our lives more livable are things that don't involve coupons or

The things that money just can't buy

After reading Ed's post about Afluenza , I began thinking long and hard about what I have in my life that really matters to me. It's all very well keeping up with the Joneses, but at the end of the day it really doesn't mean anything. [more]