Articles on Budgeting

Do You Spend More with Cash or Credit?

I totaled up all my credit card expenses in 2010 to try to figure out if I spent more using credit than I would have with cash. Here's what I found.

Money-Saving Tricks I Learned Planning an Elopement

I always thought that eloping meant flying to Hawaii to get married on the beach with a hired witness. I was wrong, and now I'm saving tons of money.

Beyond Debt-Free: Getting By in the New Economy

Living debt-free is a great goal — but as the economy remains shaky, is that enough? Discover more ways to make sure you're on solid financial ground.

Shrinking Your Cash-Flow Period to Create a Better Budget

Had trouble sticking to your monthly budget? Try this method for looking at your finances daily — and maybe you'll avoid buying that unnecessary popcorn.

8 Tips for Improving or Starting a Budget

Whether your current budget could use some tweaking or you're trying to get your finances sorted out for the first time, these suggestions can help you build a better budget.

10 Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Under $15

It’s that time again. Time to panic because you still have gifts to buy. Well, here are 10 last-minute ideas to help you spread cheer without getting an ulcer in the process.

How to Resist Buying Just One More Present

There's always space under the tree for one more present, right? Learn how to resist the urge to keep shopping throughout the holidays.

5 Unexpected Moving Expenses

I thought I had my DIY move totally budgeted, only to be hit with hidden costs.

You Own Your Finances: How Much People Spend to Watch Movies

There are many ways to accomplish the same goal; whether you do it frugally is up to you. For example, learn how you can spend $260 or $0 watching the same number of movies a year.

Trick Yourself into Saving More of Your Biweekly Paychecks

If you are paid biweekly, you receive 26 paychecks a year. That is, twice a year, you receive three paychecks in a month. What if you mentally “skipped” those two extra paychecks?

5 Rules for Planning Your Most Affordable Christmas Ever

Christmas is coming, but don't make it a great December and a horrible January. Follow these Christmas rules to make it affordable.

New Rules of Budgeting: Focus on Your Dreams

Old-school budgets are boring. Try this new fun approach that focuses on your dreams instead of your restrictions.

Living Well on a Feast to Famine Income

Living on a fluctuating income can wreak havoc on a person's finances. I should know; my income is slightly erratic from season to season.

Best Money Tips: 7 Worthless Excuses for Not Saving

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we destroy all those lame excuses for not saving, help you shop for a laptop, and give you the facts behind MLM opportunitie

Review and Giveaway: The Secret to a Successful Budget eBook

We are celebrating Craig’s new budget book with a giveaway for lucky readers! To be entered to win a copy of the book for yourself, please just comment on this post with why you fe

Save Money on Baby Goodies With Daily Deal Websites

Babies cost a fortune, but you can find inexpensive baby goodies for less when you look for them on baby-oriented daily deal websites.

Making Personal Finance Fun while Fighting for Financial Freedom

My story about how I went from broke, to saving without goals, to fighting for financial independence.

Fess Up to Your Addictions: How to Satisfy Them on a Frugal Budget

There are just some things I can't go without, like Starbucks coffee or a dinner at Chili's. To feed my addictions, I've learned some tips that save me money and still let

Coping Mechanisms for a Spender-Saver Relationship

Recently, my sister announced her engagement. Her announcement made me think more and more about how important it is to discuss finances early on in a relationship. It also sp

Escape the Economic In/Out Patient Care Cycle

As a woman who has been financially independent since the age of 18, I've always believed people who are given too much financial aid from parents or relatives are less lik