Articles on Lifestyle

10 Free Things to Do With Your Kindle

The Kindle is a reading device that Amazon sells to enable you to spend more money on Amazon. However, it turns out there are lots of things you can do with your Kindle without spe

8 of our Favorite Fitness and Diet Smart Phone Apps

Those of us with smart phones are fairly certain we can’t live without them. In fact, chances are good that if you use them right – than can actually help you live longer! See wh

Only Celebrate A Few Select Birthdays

What if the we suddenly stopped celebrating every single birthday in our lives, and instead concentrated on just the important ones? Would you care? Would you support it? I’ll tell

6 False Assumptions About Debt-Free Living

What to expect once you're debt-free.

New Year, New Spending Habits

Christmas has a way of sneaking up on you, and before you know it, the budget is out the window as you spend money like no other month. This year I want to encourage you to set som

Review: Bluebird -- Women and the New Psychology of Happiness

It's ingrained in our culture. In our Declaration of Independence we've spelled out that Americans must pursue happiness. To that end, billion dollar industries have heeded our cal

Watch All The Documentary Movies You Can Handle, Free Online - And Yes, It's Legal.

So you love watching movies for free, and you also love getting instant access to them. Well, if those movies happen to be documentaries, there is a great free online resource for

5 Ways to Get Junk Gone

The beginning of the new year always seems like a good time to get rid of things that you've been meaning to. But some junk you just can't get rid of on Freecyle or Craigslist. He

Book Review: The Art of Manliness Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man

I just finished reading "The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man" by Brett and Kate McKay. As the married mom of 2 sons nearing manhood and the daughter

20 Signs That You Were Raised By TRUE Money-Savers

Rising prices, as well as the current unemployment rate, and devaluation of the dollar, all seem to support the wisdom of previous generations’ more frugal ways.

It Pays to Be True to Your School: 5 Ways Your Alma Mater Can Save You Money

Alumni associations are doing everything they can to make things better for graduates of their college during this difficult time. Some of the savings are pretty substantial.

5 Easy Ways to Save Some Green This Holiday Season

A little spending moderation can't hurt this holiday season, and it might even put us back in touch with the true spirit and ideals of the season. Here's how to enjoy the holidays

Giving Back to Those Not Necessarily on Your Christmas List

The holidays is a time when many of the 'forgotten' in our country can use your donations of time. Here are some ideas to give this holiday season.

Simple Living: Determining Your Priorities

Even with the economy slowly exiting the spectacular nosedive it took last year, many people find themselves with a renewed interest in living simply. However, what that means for

Simple Living: Overcoming Negative Inertia

Have you ever found yourself wasting time when you know there's something you could be doing that means a lot to you? I know I find myself there all the time. What we rarely do is

25 Frugal Things I Do, 4 Spendthrift Confessions

On a regular basis, I review, update and fine-tune my list of 25 Frugal Habits. Home-made spa treatments and a cable-free home are a few of my top money-saving habits. Recycling, e

What is Simple Living and Why Should I Care?

With our economic situation still precarious, many people desire simple living. But what does that mean in our busy, modern culture, and how can we get there?

Three E-Books to Help You Make Money, Travel, and Change Your Life

It’s no secret that many of us are looking for something different in life. And one of the biggest things we can change about our lives is how we work. If we are not tied to a desk

7 Ways to Save on Cat Care

Before you get out that frugal yard stick and start lecturing about spending too much money on cat toys and accessories, understand that the majority of those expenses are spent on

5 Reasons to Use Your Outdoor Furniture -– Inside

I purchased a lovely outdoor furniture set this year for my future patio. The problem was that the patio never got built. Our solution? Bring it inside. Here are the five reasons w