Articles on Frugal Living

Where to Find Free or Cheap Yoga Classes

Yoga classes have a reputation for being expensive, but they don’t have to be. Learn how to find budget-friendly yoga in your community.

10 Father’s Day Gifts Dads Actually Want for Under $100

No more socks and ties! This year, get Dad something he'll really enjoy with help from this guide to Father's Day gifts.

Could the Chromebook Crush Windows?

Will Google's new Chromebook make out-of-the-box operating systems like Windows and OS X obsolete? It might be nice if it did.

Why You Should Buy a Desktop Computer

Sleek, shiny laptops are all the rage, but I don't think they're worth the cost. Here's why I choose bulky, non-sexy technology for my computing needs.

Free Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day

Celebrate Father’s Day this year with these free activities and gifts that are sure to make your dad feel appreciated.

How to Buy a BBQ Grill

For many, a summer night just isn't complete without a nice cut of meat sizzling on the grill. If you're looking into picking up a grill, here are some tips to help you buy.

Best Money Tips: Tricks Your Grocer Doesn't Want You To Know

Today we found some great articles on price tricks your grocer doesn't want you to know, how to create breathing space in your budget, and insurance policies you shouldn't buy.

The Store Sales Cycle: Your Monthly Guide to Clearance Prices

From groceries to light bulbs, sales are not random. Every year stores put certain products on sale around the same time. Discover what's cheap when.

Craigslist vs. eBay: Where to Sell 10 Common Items

Craigslist or eBay? It can be a difficult decision. Use this cheat sheet to figure out where to hock 10 of the most commonly sold items.

6 High-Tech Tools to Help Your Garden Grow

From identifying flowers to knowing the best time to plant those peas, bring your old-fashioned garden up to snuff with these six stellar tech tools.

Sexy Summer Dinners: 5 Great Hot-Weather Meal Ideas

Need fresh ideas for sultry summer dinners? Check out these elegant, guest-worthy, hot-weather meals.

Dealing With and Understanding Migraine Headaches

Migraines can be completely debilitating. Learn about common triggers (and how to avoid them) and home remedies for easing pain.

Best Money Tips: Raising Money-Smart Kids

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to raise money-smart kids, running a profitable garage sale, and making your care more money efficient.

11 Simple Rules of Excellent Houseguest Etiquette

Being a great houseguest requires more than a parting gift upon departure. See what it takes to really make sure you get invited back.

How to Buy a Mp3 Player

If you're in the market for a new MP3 player, here are some things to keep in mind.

Best Money Tips: Shrink Your Bill When Eating Out

Today we found some great articles on ways to shrink your bill when eating out, how to become a world class negotiator, and lessons to learn from American Idol.

4 Cheap and Easy Homemade Mosquito Repellents

When summer hits, the mosquitoes start swarming. Here are several easy, cheap, and chemical-free recipes for making homemade mosquito repellent.

Great Sites for Online Wedding Shopping

From invitations to place settings to even rings, you can turn a tiny matrimonial budget into a great big wedding with the help of these online stores.

How to Avoid Moving Scams

What sucks worse than moving? Getting scammed by your movers. Here's how to avoid getting taken to the cleaners by unscrupulous moving companies.

What Can You Buy for $1 These Days?

They say $1 ain't what it used to be, and they're right. But the humble $1 bill can still get you plenty. Here are 21 possibilities.