Articles on Frugal Living

What to Know When Renting a Moving Truck

Moving is already stressful. When you add in renting a big ol' truck, it can become downright nail-biting. Here's what you should know for your DIY move.

Negotiating 101: The 5 Buyers You Meet In Hell

These are the 5 worst types of negotiators and why their tactics don't work.

Homemade and Store Bought Mouse Trap Designs That Work

If you have an unwelcome visitor in your home, you probably already have everything you need to make humane, or deadly, mouse traps.

How to Fix a Bike Flat

The open road, miles away from home (and cell coverage), is no place to discover that you don’t know how to repair a flat tire. Learn now.

Best Money Tips: Extreme Ways to Save Money

Today we found some awesome articles on extreme ways to save money, habits of effective interviews, and things to buy in spring for deep discounts.

99 Free or Virtually Free Ways to De-Stress

Stressing out over the economy? Here are 99 ways to de-stress that won't hurt your wallet.

Men: Why Frugal Is Sexy

Frugality gets bad wrap on the hotness scale. Men: learn the five ways that your frugality makes you sexy.

Best Money Tips: Have an Exciting Staycation

Today we found some great articles on ideas for an exciting staycation, things you should always buy generic, and emergency preparedness on a shoestring.

How to Throw the Most Fabulous (and Frugal) Baby Shower of all Time

Ever wondered how to throw the most fabulous - yet frugal - baby shower in the history of the world? Read on to find out how!

How to Reward Friends Who Help You Move

Pizza and beer is the standby reward for friends who help you move. Get creative with these other ways to say "thanks for carrying my stuff."

Common Household Poisons and How to React

Prevent household poisoning by knowing what's in and around your home and what do to if something happens.

Best Money Tips: Teaching Young Ones Frugality

Today we found some awesome articles on teaching young ones about frugality, ways to increase your income, and how to live on $40,000 or less.

How to Make a Piggy Bank

Since I don't like being weighed down by these precious metals or the idea of losing them, I've started saving all of my loose coins in a do-it-yourself piggy bank.

25 Frugal Changes You Can Make Today

Frugal living does not involve drastic changes. A few small changes can lead you down the right path.

Cool, Colorful, Quality Headphones for $35 or Less

5 of the most fashionable (and affordable) over-ear headphones.

Best Money Tips: Finding Cheap Airline Tickets

Today we found some awesome articles on finding cheap airline tickets, choosing the best credit card for you, and tasks to organize your finances.

10 Weird and Wonderful Ways to Use Rice

Did you know that there are over 140,000 varieties of cultivated rice? Besides being a delicious and versatile cooking grain, it has some other very unusual uses.

How Water Can Save You $977 a Year

According to recent data, American eat out roughly 3 times every week. And water could play a big part in making the whole thing less expensive, and healthier.

Best Money Tips: Entertain Houseguests on a Budget

Today we found some great articles on entertaining houseguests on a budget, ways to reduce your cell phone bill, and salary negotiation.

6 Items You Might Have Forgotten in Your Emergency Kit

Building an emergency kit is a key step in disaster preparedness. Here's a look at six items you might have left off the list of necessities.