Articles on Shopping

Would you get rid of credit cards if stores give more discounts to customers who pay cash ?

I am sure you have encountered a store or gas station that has a set of prices for cash customers and a set of prices for credit card customers. Usually the credit card customer h

DON'T Buy It Now on eBay without using cashback

You've been saving money with your online purchases thanks to Wise Bread, but wanna save even more? I know that got your attention.

Frugal Mother’s Day Gift Ideas from Bargain Babe

Julia Scott, aka Bargain Babe, is a classic example of someone who can balance the low-cost of frugal living with the time and effort needed to make life meaningful. Tonight’s int

How to Get Free Shipping and Online Discounts Across the Web

Many online retailers across the web offer free shipping and online discounts, but you have to know where to go to get these offers. Here's a place you can go.

Behold: The Secrets of the Grocery Store

A trip to the grocery store may be a hit or a miss, depending on your perspective. Some people love going to the store each week and others detest it with a passion. But there are

The Awesome Art of Getting Great Deals Online

This is a lovely guide to getting the most out of your consumer purchases on the Internet.

Debit Or Credit? Which One Should You Choose At The Checkout?

Debit or credit? Although the outcome seems the same, it’s a different process with different consequences.

Gifts For Grads

Around springtime last year, as my niece’s university graduation date loomed, I picked out (but waited to buy) what I thought would be an ideal gift: a watch with her alma mater’s

Beware, The Nasty Secret Of The Craigslist Free Section

If you love Craigslist, and use the free section to either post products or get great deals, you really need to read this. Because there’s a dirty secret to Craigslist that most pe

What Does “YMMV” Mean? The Official Guide to Decoding the Language of Frugality

You don’t have to browse the forums at hot savings sites very long to notice that super-shoppers have their own lingo. Before you let terms like “FAR” and “peelies” scare you away

Swoopo - great auction deals or great scam?

Today I stumbled upon a site called Swoopo. It is touted as a new auction site that combines shopping with entertainment. I took a quick look and it seemed like many items were s

Look, But Don’t Touch: Avoid Marketing Manipulation

When it comes to shopping, touching an item may in fact encourage consumers to purchase things they hadn’t intended on buying in the first place.

An ING Direct Online Retail Store? It's not a joke.

It was my birthday last week. I received an email from ING Direct and assumed it would just be birthday wishes. But, I opened the email and to my astonishment guess what it contain

I Challenge You To Beat My Price.

Stateless systems are at it again. I’m a huge fan of their two biggest sites, BugMeNot (a way to bypass compulsory website registrations) and RetailMeNot (a vast coupon codes site)

Ordering Online Versus Calling it In: Which is Better?

Somewhere between the eight ball and the brick wall behind you, you find yourself stuck. Do you place your order for that product or service online, or through a customer service a

How To Make Your Own Soda, Tidy A Room In Three Minutes, Cure A Hangover And Become A Movie Extra. Phew!

I’m a big fan of Howcast. Their website is a treasure trove of information, and you can also find their videos on popular sites like Metacafe and YouTube. Sometimes their advice is

Modifiers: 5 things that change an item's final price

Shopping for goods isn't Dungeons & Dragons, but it's still an adventure. Like D&D dice, modifiers affect the end result of what happens to you — specifically, how much you spend.

New Mac minis: Beware small gains at a big price!

Are you interested in a new Mac mini? Read this first: be informed about which upgrades don't make sense and what to do about it.

How to find the cheapest college textbooks

I’m not in college any more, thank goodness, but I remember every penny-pinching moment. Some days I hardly had enough money for food, mainly because the materials and textbooks I

Oprah Asks A Great Question; What Can You Live Without?

My wife brought this to my attention. I’m not an avid Oprah viewer, but usually when I tune in I hear good advice. And with the help of financial guru Suze Orman, she’s asking fami