
8 Fundraising Steps for Building a New Business

You have a business idea. It's going to be great. But how do you raise the money to get it off the ground? Start here.

3 Ways to Fund Your Business Without Touching Savings

Don't take one step forward and two steps back. Here's how to fund a new business venture without touching your retirement savings.

4 Ways to Fund Your New Business Without Borrowing a Dime

Being your own boss isn't cheap — you'll need cash to get started and to keep going. Here's how to do it without taking on startup debt.

3 Ways To Build Good Business Credit With Bad Personal Credit

A bad personal credit rating is not the end of the world -- or your small business. It's a problem to be managed, just like any other.

3 Alternative Sources of Funding

Small business needs money to grow, but banks are reluctant to lend. Where to turn?

How to Secure Business Financing Without a Personal Guarantee

You can build your business credit fairly quickly and potentially eliminate the need for a personal guarantee if you plan for it from the outset.

The Characteristics Angel Investors Expect

Even after you pique the interest of an investor, you have to convince him of the value of investing in your entrepreneurial efforts.

How to Get a Business Line of Credit

As a result of seasonal credit demands, entrepreneurs frequently encounter difficulties managing their cash flow.

Cloud Funding Offers More Than Pennies From Heaven

In the age of social networking, if you need money for an art project or for a new business, friending could also mean funding.

How to Choose Between Lump Sum and Financing

There are two main strategies that buyers rely on to pay for a company: lump sums and financing.

The Ups and Downs of Venture Capital

First quarter 2010 numbers are in, and Venture Capital investment in both dollars and deals were down. The good news, if you can call it that, is that it's better than Q1 2009.

How to Think Like a Bootstrapper

Good management practices are far more important to your success than big piles of cash are. Here are a dozen tips to help you start and grow your business with little or no money.

Financing an Expansion

There are a number of sources of capital for most business owners who need help financing an expansion. It's just a matter of finding the right fit for your company.

Do Fools Rush in where Angels Fear to Tread?

With new business starts at an all time high, you'd think shopping for good investments would be easier. But private investors aren't going there.

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