
9 Dumb Little Things You Need to Stop Saying Today

We all rely on little catch phrases and verbal shortcuts. Unfortunately, many are thoughtless or hurtful or just plain dumb. Stop saying them!

6 Nervous Tics You Need to Stop Right Now

It's okay to feel nervous sometimes, but if your tension looks like this, it's time to do something about it.

4 Things Most People Don't Realize Are Holding Them Back

Is it always two steps forward, one step back? Don't get frustrated — understand what's holding you back, then move forward around it.

Best Money Tips: Change Spending Habits to Increase Your Income

Today we found some amazing articles on changing spending habits to increase your income, the art of healthy discontentment, and creating a budget you'll stick with.

20 Habits You Must Start Right Now and Be a Better Person

Become the best possible version of you by developing these wholesome, productive habits. Once they've stuck, you're on your way!

The One Word You Need to Get Rid of for a Better Life

Research proves it — removing this one word from your vocabulary can change your life.

Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n Roll — And Other Surprisingly Healthy Activities

Feeling down because you could be doing more for your health? Perk up, plenty of the things you do already are actually really good for you!

6 "Good" Habits That May Actually Be Hurting You

Even good habits take effort, so make sure the ones you've committed to aren't actually doing more harm than they're worth.

Best Money Tips: Good Morning Habits for a Great Day

Today we found some great articles on good morning habits for a great day, what to buy and not buy at Home Depot, and money management lessons for young adults.

13 "Bad" Habits That Are Actually Good for You

Stop fidgeting! Actually, go ahead — here's why you should quit trying to correct that and 12 other allegedly bad habits.

20 Habits You Must Kick Right Now and Be a Better Person

From poor diet habits to irksome social tics, stop yourself from doing these things and become a happier, more productive you!

The Habits of Extremely Extreme People

Extreme people go to extreme ends to support their extreme habits. Would you go this far?

Best Money Tips: Frugal Habits You Need to Pick Up

Today we found some awesome articles on Depression-era frugal habits you should have, money mistakes to avoid in your 20s, and budget travel tips.

The Surprisingly Easy Way to Change Your Habits and Your Life

Replacing bad habits with good ones is easier than you'd think. Here's how a Wise Bread writer turned a social media habit into a family time habit.

Habits Aren't Boring — They're the Secret to Happiness. Here's Why.

Habits are powerful motivators. Once you understand the inner workings of habitual behavior, you can use that power to change your life — for the better.

The Habits of the Financially Successful

Your bad financial habits could be ruining your life. Start living your own financial success story by establishing these good habits of life and money management.

Best Money Tips: Habits to Help You Become Happier

Today we found some fantastic articles on simple habits to help you become happier, making January winter cleaning month, and how to get extra cash.

6 "Good" Eating Habits That Are Keeping Us Fat

Having a hard time dropping those last five? It may be due to a "truth" you learned long ago and haven't given a second thought...until now.

Live Long and Prosper With These 15 Small Healthy Habits

When it comes to living longer, healthier lives, it's the little things that count. Add a few (or all!) of these habits to your routine and feel better, longer.

Best Money Tips: Healthy Habits That Will Save You Money

Today we found some awesome articles on habits that will save you money, home improvement projects that will pay off big, and how much you should save each month.

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