
Do You "Want" to Be Happy? Then Here's What You Need to Do.

Always feeling like you want something is not the key to a joyful life. Learn how to curb the urge to acquire and achieve the happiness you deserve.

25 Easy Ways to Make Someone Happy Today

Making other people happy is great! Here are some easy, low- or no-cost ways to bring a smile to someone else's face — and to yours.

29 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Happier This Year

You really can be happier this year, thanks to these scientifically proven tricks.

10 Habits of Financially Happy People

What's the secret to financial happiness? If you answered "More Money," guess again.

5 Ways Giving to Charity Is Good for You

Givers enjoy better health, stronger social bonds, and higher levels of satisfaction than non-givers do. What's the catch? There is none. All you have to do is give.

The Happiness Habits: 7 Ways to Feel Better Now

There's no secret to happiness, but there is a formula. Develop one or more of these habits, and get happy!

10 Things You Can Do to Be Happier Today

Wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Take one or more of these positive, feel-good actions and watch the day brighten.

6 Reasons You're Not as Happy as You'd Like to Be

Stuck in a rut? Here are six reasons you may be feeling blue and ways to pick yourself up, from jolting your routine to clearing away clutter.

Take One More Thing Seriously

When time and money are tight, it's natural to try to narrow down what you're trying to get done. But the opposite might be what you really need.

12 Frugal Ways to End a Bad Day on a Good Note

Busting your budget isn't a great way to feel better. Instead, try one of these fun, frugal ways to boost your mood.

5 Money Truths That Aren't Always Obvious

For all the thinking we do about money, we sometimes miss the most important points. Discover five truths about finances that might surprise you.

15 Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance

Want to be happier at work AND at home? Follow these suggestions to keep yourself balanced, healthy, and joyful.

Are You Frugal or Cheap?

Saving money is great — but sometimes, it can be taken too far. Are you crossing the line from savvy frugality into miserly cheapness?

25 Ways to Feel Better Fast

Whether you're sick, sad, depressed, angry, or some combination of all four, use these quick and easy tricks to turn your mood — and your day — around.

21 Frugal Ways to Reward Yourself Right Now

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But what about you? Reward yourself with these easy, cheap, and relaxing activities.

Big List of Things to be Happy About

When life gets frustrating, challenging, or just plain annoying, it helps remember (and celebrate) these little joys.

12 Frugal Compromises

Frugality isn't a black-and-white, either/or situation. That's why sometimes, the best decision isn't to be as frugal as you can be.

25 Ways to Be a Better Person Today

Discover how you can become a better person today (and reap additional benefits like happiness, saving money, and helping the environment).

How to Do What You Enjoy

It is amazing how many people spend their time doing things that they don't like doing. Here are some tips that have helped me to do more of what I enjoy in life.

Quarterlife Crisis! What is It?

Does something like a quarterlife crisis really exist? Maybe.

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