home ownership

6 Ways to Make Your Home Into an Investment

Homes can be money traps. But by treating your house like an investment, you can earn money instead of losing it.

9 Things Sellers Should Watch Out for During Escrow

You've got a buyer for your home — now you just need to make it through escrow.

23 Hidden Costs of Buying an Old House

Vintage charm and classic appeal may be great selling points, but before you shell out for an old house, be sure you know what you're buying.

Here's How to Save Thousands on Your Mortgage

The difference between 10 years of interest and 30 of interest years can be tremendous, but the decision isn't easy. How long should a mortgage be?

6 Times It's Actually Okay to Be Underwater on Your Home

Many homeowners are still digging out from the housing crash. While we'd all rather have some equity, being underwater isn't always bad.

The 4 Most Overpriced U.S. Housing Markets

If you're looking to buy in one of these four overheated markets, you may want to act fast — or reconsider buying at all.

Your House Is a Hobby, Not an Investment

Never think of a house as an investment. Instead, think of it for what it really is — a time and money hole that can be fun to own.

Low Interest Rates Do Not Make Homes Affordable

If a good price seems to good to be true...it probably is. Learn how low interest rates drive home prices higher.

6 Myths About Real Estate

When stock markets go down, people tend to thank their lucky stars they own real estate, and others yet rush to the real estate market as a safe haven. But real estate isn’t always

Your equity was always imaginary

You used to hear the term "land rich, cash poor" for people who owned valuable land but didn't have quite enough money to make ends meet.  It's an expression that

Are You Ready for Home Ownership?

My husband and I just moved to the Great Northwest, and we batted around the idea of purchasing our first home. [more]

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