
5 Money Strategies for the Sandwich Generation

Your kids depend on you. Your aging parents depend on you. For the sandwich generation, smart money management is a must.

How to Go From Two Incomes to One

A lost job, a new baby… You really can make the shift from two-income household to one with some easy budgeting tricks.

4 Common Household Leaks You Can Fix Without a Plumber

If your water bill is rising, and you can't afford a plumber, roll up your sleeves and find and fix those costly leaks yourself. You can do this!

6 Cheap Ways to Get Rid of Household Pests

Ewww, bugs! Send your unwelcome household guests packing with some simple, cheap, and eco-friendly pest solutions.

13 Wonderful Household Uses for Essential Oils

Essential oils bring a sweet-smelling, aroma-therapeutic flair to household cleaning. Try these handy ways to use them at home!

9 Things in Your House You're Forgetting to Clean

Washed your pillows recently? How about your doorknobs? It's time to give these nine germy household spots a good once over!

5 Worst Mistakes Good Spouses Make

Marriage isn't easy and even in the best relationships, slip-ups happen. Keep your union strong by recognizing some common missteps — and fixing them.

10 Life Hacks You Should Master by Age 30

Red Solo cups and calling AAA just won't cut it anymore. Embrace your 30s by mastering the skills essential to adulthood.

Best Money Tips: Alternative Uses for Household Items

Today we found some great articles on alternative uses for household items, things to consider when choosing health insurance, and principles to increasing your net worth.

Are Your Finances Fragile?

Many households are just one layoff, one illness, one interest-rate hike away from financial catastrophe. Follow these strategies to avoid being one of them.

The Second-Best Way to Make your Household More Secure

You already know the best way to make your household finances more secure: emergency fund, insurance, diversified investment portfolio, marketable skills. But once you're doing

Another path to recovery: higher incomes

Preventing a collapse of the financial system is part of preventing a depression. However, the shorthand term for this--getting the banks able and willing to lend--is misleading.

51 Uses for Coca-Cola – the Ultimate List

I was trawling the Internet recently searching for a way to remove a grease spot from a favorite shirt of mine. How it got there, well, I blame a faulty fork and not my clumsy mout

Strategies for households with more than one adult

The strategy for households with a single adult can be disposed of in the first paragraph: Earn enough money to buy everything your household consumes, plus provide through direct

10 frugal things to try before you die (updated)

Well, I say frugal but some of these cross that line from frugality into something less honorable. But hey, live a little. We all have to try new things sometimes. [more]