
Wise Bread Reloaded: Hack Your Creativity With a Trick the Yogis Use (Plus Scores More From the Archives)

Need a new idea? We've got a lot of ideas about where to get them, and how to use them.

Best Money Tips: 98 Cheap Summer Date Ideas

Today we found some amazing articles on cheap summer date ideas, remaining frugal while traveling, and free (or nearly free) summer projects for kids.

Best Money Tips: Money-Saving Ideas for New Parents

Today we found some great articles on money-saving ideas for new parents, pet peeves of hiring managers, and using Pinterest to be more productive.

Boost Your Creativity: 9 Surprising Ways to Generate New Ideas

If you need some fresh ideas, find them with these simple tricks that unleash your brain's creative potential.

10 Places to Go for Inspiration

Got a problem at work? Need to find a new creative project or hobby? Get up, get out, and go find your muse in one of these inspiring places.

59 Ways To Get A Bright Idea

Looking for a creativity boost? Here are 59 ways to get inspired and generate ideas that can help you gain a fresh perspective, solve a problem, present information, increase profi

101 things to do with a $1 bill.

What can a dollar buy you these days? Certainly not a gallon of gas, which it could have done 6 years ago. Anyway, this idea actually came out of a lunchtime chat with some friends. [more]

Over 7 million money-making ideas - Google Patents

Ever dreamed of patenting a great idea that could make you a fortune? The Pet Rock maybe? Or the Jump To Conclusions mat? Well, you'll find even more crazy ideas using Google Patent Search , or even better, submit one of your own. [more]

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