
The Three Interest Rates

I got a notice from one of my credit cards a bit ago, announcing that they were raising the interest rate. It's only of theoretical interest to me, of course--I use credit cards f

Book review: Cash-Rich Retirement

Do you need a kick in the pants to get you saving for retirement?  Do you need someone to wave their arms and run around screaming that your whole future is at risk, in order to mo

Join the rentier class

You don't hear much about the rentier class any more. Perhaps that's because we all expect to be members by retirement age. Perhaps it's because even the very wealthy

How low interest rates might save the world

Low interest rates generally lead to inflation, which is bad for everybody. But if inflation were really low, then low interest rates would tend to follow, and in that situation,

My car payments are too much! What should I do?

Last August, I decided to purchase my first new car ever. I had only ever owned used (and entirely paid-for) vehicles prior to this. I researched the type of car that I wanted and

How to Build Your Own Amortization Schedule

Looking for a dull, but financially eye-opening home project? Great! Today, we're going to build an amortization schedule. [more]

Money Metaphors (You wouldn't punch a kitten, would you?)

Equating my money, emotionally, with something that I find dear and worthy of protection, may force me to treat my money with the respect it deserves.

Behind the Times - I learn about Keep the Change

Bank of America's Keep the Change program is the modern solution to a change jar. Are you saving your pennies?

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