
How to Easily Use an iPad as a Laptop

You don't actually need both an iPad and a laptop. Convert your tablet into a multi-use tool with a few apps and accessories — for less than the cost of a new laptop.

The Best and Worst Things to Buy in September 2012

What end-of-summer deals will you snag this month? Read through for the best and worst things to buy in September.

11 Cool Uses for a Tablet Computer

Tablets are a great way to watch videos and check your email on the go — but they're also perfect for these awesome, surprising uses.

Double-Duty Protection: Multipurpose iPad 2 Cases

From extending battery life to keeping your iPad extra safe and more, these multitasking cases help you get the most out of your tablet.

Ask the Readers: What's Your Favorite App Idea?

Tell us about your favorite mobile app idea we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Apperang: Get Paid for Trying iPhone Apps

If you love trying new apps, read this review to learn how you can make money doing what you already enjoy.

How to Never Pay for Another Book

If you have a computer, iPhone, or other handheld device, you can download for free more books than you will ever be able to read, including recent releases.

Think the iPad Will Save You Money on Magazines? Think Again!

With the introduction of the iPad, many were hoping that the same companies that offered digital subscriptions and online single copies at a drastic discount would be doing the

Best of Personal Finance Roundup: What the iPad Is and Is Not

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best of Personal Finance roundup. Today, we go over what you can expect with a new Apple iPad, how to use up the leftover juice from your canned fruit, and

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