The 7 Most Common Tax Questions for Beginners, Answered

Never fear, newbies — those tax forms won't bite! All your basic tax questions are here, answered.

Beware These 6 Phony IRS Calls and Emails

No one particularly likes hearing from the IRS, but we bet you'd enjoy hearing from these tax scammers even less.

What Freelancers and Side Giggers Need to Know About Income Taxes

Uncle Sam wants his due from everybody. That means you too, freelancers.

5 Common Tax Mistakes We Need to Stop Making

Sure, doing your taxes can be tricky! But when it comes to these five mistakes, we really, really need to stop making them.

35 Bizarre Things You Can Be Taxed On

Uncle Sam always seems to have his hand out — and even expects a cut for these 35 off-the-wall things.

Get Your Money Sooner by Starting 2016 Tax Prep Now

The early (tax) bird gets the worm — and reduces the chance it'll be a victim of identity theft. Start your 2016 tax prep now, and skip all the stress in April.

11 Surprising Things Your HSA Will Cover

You probably aren't using your HSA dollars on these everyday medical buys. But you should be!

What to Do When You Suspect a Scam

Don't fall victim to these faux finance calls. Here's how to protect yourself and your loved ones from a scam.

10 Reasons You Should Really Fear an IRS Audit

When the IRS decides to smack you with an audit, what's the worst that can happen? You're wise not to try to cheat the taxman.

5 Most Common Tax Mistakes Made by College Grads

College grads, your homework isn’t over. Your next assignment is making sure you get the most tax breaks possible.

How to Choose the Best Tax Preparer

April 15 is almost here! Can you trust your tax preparer?

Should You Ever Pay Your Taxes With a Credit Card?

Tax day is almost here, and you may be tempted to pay Uncle Sam with plastic. But if you do, you're just trading cheap debt for expensive debt.

10 Smart Ways I'm Spending My Tax Refund

Is Uncle Sam giving you a little something back this tax season? Here's how one Wise Bread writer is spending his to tie up some loose financial ends.

The Easiest Way to Avoid a Tax Audit

It's every taxpayer's worst fear, but it doesn't have to be if you're honest and you stick with these tax-prep basics.

Here's How to Deduct Charitable Donations on Your Taxes

Follow the rules if you want a tax break for charitable contributions. The IRS isn't so charitable with audits.

5 Important Tax Changes for 2016

April will be here before you know it. Are you ready for these changes to the 2016 tax code?

I Lost My Tax Documents… Now What?

Now where did that missing 1099 go…? Never fear, here's how to deal with lost tax documents.

Avoid the Tax Season Rush With These Early Prep Steps

It's almost the year end! Do YOU know where all your tax paperwork is? Here's everything you need to find before the holidays arrive in full force.

5 Signs You Probably Need an Accountant

Missed tax deductions, a side income, a house — it's not long before money gets complicated. When should you hire a pro?

Top Three Tax Facts to Know for 2016

Hasn't tax day already come and gone? Yes, but it's never too early to start worrying about next year's taxes.

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