
How to Get Your Kid Started With Investing

You don't have to wait until your kid grows up to show them how to invest. The earlier they start, the more they'll have later on!

9 Essential Personal Finance Skills to Teach Your Kid Before They Move Out

Your child is ready to leave the nest. Have you armed them with the right money skills they need to flourish?

5 Smart Money Moves Your Kids Can Make Over Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is here! Between the ice pops and video games, there are some great opportunities to teach your young ones about money, too.

Should You Get Life Insurance for Your Kids?

Life insurance for kids isn't just a sales gimmick. Here's what to consider before taking out a policy.

28 Free Ways to Entertain Your Kids This Summer

You can make plenty of fun memories with your kids this summer and it won't cost you a thing.

Does Your Teenager Really Need a Credit Card?

Does your teenager actually need a credit card? Probably.

7 Money Lessons Kids Can Learn From the Tooth Fairy

Turn your child's visit from the Tooth Fairy into a meaningful lesson on money.

4 Things Teens Can Do Now to Prepare for Financial Independence

As your teen gets ready to take on the world, help them get a leg up on financial independence.

5 Ways New Parents Can Manage Debt

Don't let debt distract you from the joy of new parenthood. With some careful planning, you can handle both.

Should You Make Your Young Kids Pay "Rent?"

A viral Facebook post has parents everywhere wondering: Should you charge your young kids rent?

How to Help Your Adult Children Become Financially Independent

If your grown children are still depending on you for every little money matter, it's time to teach them how to go it alone.

4 Ways to Help Your Adult Kids and Still Save for Retirement

You want to take care of your kids. But you also need to take care of your own financial future.

How to Afford Your Kid's Braces or Expensive Dental Care

Your kids may be small, but their dental care costs can be huge. Here's what a dentist has to say about taming these big bills.

How to Sell Your House Despite Your Messy Kids

Kids make a mess. You can still make a quick home sale despite the disarray.

6 Smart Financial Gifts to Give Your Kids This Year

Finance isn't just for adults. These money-themed gifts will set your kids up for a bright financial future.

21 Things You Should Make Your Kids Pay For

Instead of buying that shiny new toy for your kiddoes, maybe they should pay for it.

How to Prepare Your Kids to Live On Their Own

One day your kids will be living under their own roof. Will they be prepared to go it alone?

7 Money Conversations Parents Should Have With Their Adult Kids

Your kids aren't babies anymore. It's time to sit down and talk finance.

Teach Your Kids About Money With Their Holiday Gift Lists

Kids see the holidays as a gifts-filled free-for-all. You can turn those gimme-gimmes into some valuable money lessons.

9 Family Money Matters Your Kids Don't Need to Know

It's important to teach your kids about money. But they don't need to know every little thing about your personal money matters.

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