
What You Need to Know About the Statute of Limitations on Debts

Debt doesn't disappear, but it does expire.

9 Times to Hire a Lawyer Immediately

Sometimes, having a good lawyer in your corner really does make all the difference.

What to Do When a Creditor Sues

When a creditor takes you to court your best defense is preparation.

8 Smart Things to Do With Your Settlement Money

A sudden windfall is exciting, thrilling, and — overwhelming! Spend your lucre wisely, or you may find your pockets are empty again soon.

3 Ways Your Dog Is Ruining Your Credit Score

Man's best friend may be loving and loyal — when he isn't chewing up your shoes, or your credit. Avoid these common credit score bite marks.

Unauthorized Video Game Hack May Net Consumers Up to $35

Discussion over the original version of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas might have ended with its recall in 2005. A recent class-a