Articles on Life Hacks

Make Love, Not Money (Sort Of)

Even during a recession, it turns out that love can still trump money.

Turn smugness into a positive virtue

Various times here in my posts I've admitted to an unfortunate tendency toward smugness. It's really a negative character trait, and one that I struggle against. There are ways,

Five quick and simple scams that could happen to you today

A US version of the UK show The Real Hustle has been trying out some very simple but effective cons on the American public, and they’re getting away with some serious money. Watch,

How to Be Happy and Married: 24 Tips from a 24-Year-Old Marriage

My husband and I celebrated our 24th anniversary last week. Here are a few things I've learned about having a happy, long-lasting marriage.

Postal Dis-Service?

The cost of sending packages and letters by Priority and Express Mail will set you back more than regular mail, but are you really getting the service you’re paying for?

Budgeting Hack: Gift Calendars

There is no quicker way to derail a decent budget than having to buy unexpected gifts. Learn how to make your own Gift Calendar so you can steer clear of the cash crunch, organize

Reverse engineer the best time of your life

Everybody has a "best time" of their life. Maybe it was the summer you spent hiking the Appalachian trail, or a semester abroad during college, or the second half of the first yea

Time Is Money: Budget Them Both Out

We hear it all the time: Time is Money. But do we really treat our time with the same respect we treat our money? If we really do believe that time is valuable shouldn't we be budg

Conspicuous Spending: Fading to Black

In the black community and many other communities there is a sense that material possession and flair denotes character, accomplishment and power. It's a poor dad mentality and a

A Frugal Resource: The Community College

One of my favorite frugal resources is the community college. Even though I’ve taken several classes at my local college, I’ve barely tapped into the depth of resources available n

How to Get Free Shipping and Online Discounts Across the Web

Many online retailers across the web offer free shipping and online discounts, but you have to know where to go to get these offers. Here's a place you can go.

Are You Addicted to the Internet?

Some experts think that surfing the web can you make you more productive at work. Then again, so might amphetamines, which begs the question, at what point does it get to be too mu

Should you skip a mortgage payment to get a bank's attention?

The Obama administration announced a foreclosure prevention and mortgage reduction program about two months ago, and as of April less than 1000 loans have been refinanced under th

Do You Live In One Of America’s Most Foreclosure-Ridden Towns?

I’ve seen several houses in my area go into foreclosure over the last 12 months. The economy and over-inflated housing prices, coupled with predatory lenders and some very bad deci

Debit Or Credit? Which One Should You Choose At The Checkout?

Debit or credit? Although the outcome seems the same, it’s a different process with different consequences.

How do you spend money to save time?

It's a — pardon the expression — timeless saying: "You can always make more money, but you can't make more time." The staunch followup to that tends to be that you can make better

Gifts For Grads

Around springtime last year, as my niece’s university graduation date loomed, I picked out (but waited to buy) what I thought would be an ideal gift: a watch with her alma mater’s

Stay Healthy, Live Longer, Spend Wisely: Making Intelligent Choices in America's Healthcare System

How can you be sure that your next doctor's office visit goes really well? Author and leading medical expert Dr. Davis Liu joins Wise Bread on Blog Talk Radio tonight to give advi

How To Get A Customer Service Phone Number, Fast!

What do you do when you can't find a company's customer service info? You can do an online search for the phone number, or you can keep two handy sites bookmarked.

Beware, The Nasty Secret Of The Craigslist Free Section

If you love Craigslist, and use the free section to either post products or get great deals, you really need to read this. Because there’s a dirty secret to Craigslist that most pe