Articles on Life Hacks

It Pays to Call and Ask

Sometimes you have to ask 20 different people 20 different ways. It's usually worth it.

Stick With It (Even Though its Christmas)

"I know I've been eating so well and losing weight, but it's a holiday party and those desserts look's just this once." "I said

Inflation is worse than you think

I don't just mean that the rate of inflation is higher than the government's reported rate--that's evident to anyone who's paying attention. But there are other co

SIX cool bar tricks that anyone can master.

As some of you regular Wise Bread readers know, I’m a big fan of bar tricks, friendly hustles and harmless wagers. Well, as we’re approaching the peak of partying season I thought


That quote from Howard Beale (character in Network, 1976 movie) sums me up right about now. And it's probably just the straw that broke the camel's back, because it's n

Exposed: Magazine subscription rates complete BS.

Have you ever wondered about the validity of those "special offer magazine subscriptions" you get in your mailbox? As someone who gets most of his magazines for free thro

Where on Earth did the $1 bill go?

I'd like to start by saying I'm awful at math. I mean, really bad. So it will come as no surprise to learn that I just scratched my bald head in wonder when I was told the

This Season, Give Your Child the Gift of Fiscal Responsibility

Kids may think they know what they want to get for the holidays this year, but that doesn’t mean they have a

HOW MUCH?! The free stuff you’ll have to pay for, sooner or later.

I flew to New York for business over the weekend. As I looked at the list of $8 pay-per-view movies and $5 snacks available, my mind went back in time to a few years ago, when free

Playing Around: Frugality as a Game

Most people don't find frugality fun. Describe a thing as frugal and people will tune out. Describe a person as frugal and he immediately seems uninteresting. However, this

Product Feedback Is Worth Your Time

Taking time to give quality feedback is an opportunity that can often reap great rewards. Go ahead and let companies know how you feel.

Revive Old Toys for Extra Christmas Savings (and Sanity)

It has officially begun. My four-year-old has tuned out the real world in favor of loud Saturday morning commercials advertising the best of mu

Black in more ways than one

Today, November 23rd, is Black Friday. A day that as a Wisebread writer and bargain hunter I love. There are deals everywhere, we all get a chance to save a bit of dough before

This Year’s Hot Toy is Next Year’s Trash

Our commitment to saving money has always prevented my family from buying the current year’s “Hot” toys. Every year that I hold tight to the de

Doubling Your Money with the Rule of 72

Did you ever wonder how financial professionals can so quickly mentally calculate how much money you’ll have in 30 years based on an investment return? Seems like magic, huh? Well,

“I see dumb people” – Learn to cold-read like a so-called “psychic.”

I don’t believe in psychics, palm readers, telekinesis or mediums. Not because I’m a huge skeptic but because I’ve been researching them for years and have found NO evidence that t

Original Ways to Use Original Dawn

I love to use household products in various unique ways, so I was thrilled to learn about some new-to-me hacks for the

In Search of Safety: A Mom's 8-Step Guide to Toy Selection and Everyday Use

As the mom of two boys, I can tell you that there are two kinds of toys: 1) those that are inherently dangerous (such as ATVs, BB guns, and lead-tainted toys) and 2) those made

The many reasons--besides frugality--to do for yourself

Doing for yourself--cooking your own meals, making your own clothes, growing your own vegetables, playing your own music, baking your own bread--is sometimes justified on the groun

My groceries are killing me: easier ways to shop

I don't know about you, but I hate grocery shopping. I hate it even when I get to shop at fun places, like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. It takes so much time, and I never k