life span

Losing Your Nest Egg Could Kill You: Here's How to Prevent It

They say if you don't have money, "At least you have your health." New research shows that you can't have one without the other.

7 Surprising Ways Retirement Has Gotten Easier

Good news, older Americans; retirement is better than ever.

Here's How Far $1 Million Will Actually Go in Retirement

Many people hope to save a cool million for their retirement. But depending on where you live, $1 million may not be nearly enough.

7 Reasons to Invest in Stocks Past Age 50

Conventional wisdom says you should invest conservatively near and after retirement. Is that actually wise?

5 Actions Women Can Take Right Now to Get Their Retirement On Track

The road to retirement isn't always easy. Women especially need to take the reins to jump-start their savings.

Women Pay More for Health Care — Here's How to Pay Less

Many factors can spike your health care costs through the roof. Including being a woman.

The 6 Surprising Things That Tell You How Long You'll Live — and How to Improve Them All

Death happens slowly — and then all at once. Learn to identify some early warning signs, and take steps to forestall the inevitable.

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