
What Every Business Owner Should Know About Collateral

Establishing the collateral value of an asset is often a point of contention in loan negotiations. Here are some rules-of-thumb to help you understand how a lender's likely to v

FINANCIAL IQ TEST: How Healthy is your Debt Management?

Are you on top of your debt – both logistically and emotionally? Do you maximize value while minimizing interest rates? Do you know what the different types of loans are, and how t

How to Prepare for a Home Purchase in 2010

The housing and mortgage industries took a giant leap backwards last year. Read about what you need to do if you are finally ready to buy the home you've been looking for.

Worried About Debt? Tips On Managing Your Loans

If you've got a lot of loans under your belt, you'll want to make sure that you're able to manage them well, or risk wrecking your credit by making a late payment somewhere. Deali

New Income Based Federal Student Loans Repayment Plan - Can You Benefit?

This month a new repayment plan for federal student loans is going into effect that allows borrowers to base their monthly payments on their income after graduation. Here are some

5 Strategies To Wipe Out Your Credit Card Balance

I have a couple of friends who live by their credit cards.  Unfortunately, they both have lower income jobs and live in survival mode, while continuing to participate in one financially [more]

Best of Personal Finance: Credit Where Credit Is Due Edition

Credit cards are fun for the whole family, until the bills start rolling in and you are expected to hand over your hard-earned money for the stuff you bought on plastic. In this we

Could you determine someone's creditworthiness by his or her looks?

Today I read about an interesting study done by Rice University on the correlation between trustworthiness and looks. The researchers utilized the popular peer to peer lending sit

Is your credit score suffering without your knowledge?

Credit card companies are tricky little jerks during the best of times. But now, with a lousy economic forecast and limited access to funds that can be loaned to consumers, banks a

What's the Best Way to Get out of Debt?

Debt is the hottest topic on personal finance blogs around the world. Why? I would venture to guess it is because so many people are drowning in it

They used to call it "loan workout"

It has never been unusual for borrowers to run into difficulty, and sometimes it becomes clear that a loan will never be repaid in full. The lender's job then is to recover as

What's Faster for Mortgage Payoff: $100/Month Extra or 1 Payment/Year Extra?

Is it better to pay $100 per month extra on your mortgage or make an extra payment at the end of each year? It depends on your loan balance and interest rate.

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