
Why You Need to Make Financial Habits, Not Goals

Everyone has their list of money goals, but you may hit them even sooner if you turn them into everyday habits.

Guest Post: Now is the Time to Think Long-Term

I've got a guest post up at Get Rich Slowly on why now — when interest rates are very low — is the time to think long-term.

Living Cheaply for the Long Term

Frugality sites are full of advice for cutting your expenses right away. Living cheaply for the long term is different. Call it "strategic frugality."

Optimize Your IRA and 401(k)

Your IRA and 401(k) (or 403(b) if you work for a non-profit) are great tools for deferring taxes, and have other advantages as well. But because they're labeled "retirement" accou

Plan for your wants

Budgets tend to focus on needs--food, shelter, heat, light, transportation, and (of course) taxes. They also provide for wants, but generally the smaller, shorter-term wants--cabl

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