losing weight

8 Ways to Earn Extra Income While Christmas Shopping

Add some holiday cheer in the form of cash! Earn extra dollars this year, all while checking to-dos off your Christmas task list.

The 5 Best Smart Scales

Weighing yourself is never fun, but you can make it painless with the right scale. Just use any of these smart scales and your weigh-ins will never suck.

My 2016 Budget Challenge: How to Lose Weight Without Counting Calories

Max has added a new goal to her budget challenge; lose some weight. Find out how she's slimming down on a dime.

14 Reasons You're Bad at Exercising

It's easy to want to get fit and exercise more. It's even easier to to make excuses and skip it instead. What's holding you back?

8 Ways to Trick Yourself Into Enjoying Cardio

If feeling the burn doesn't float your boat, these cardio workout hacks may be the motivation you need. You can do it!

The 7 Most Calorie-Burning Breakfasts

It's the most important meal of the day for a reason! Jump-start your day (and your weight loss) with an easy, delicious calorie-burning meal.

Which Workout Foods Are Actually Worth the Money?

With no shortage of diet bars and shakes on the market, how do you know what's worth the buy? It's all on the label.

10 Ways to Revive Your Resolution to Exercise

If you're like most of us, you've lost your New Year's resolve to exercise more. Here are 10 ways to rekindle your motivation and restart your health kick.

20 Great Body Weight Exercises (and Why You Should Do Them)

Body weight exercises seem simple, but they can be very challenging. Best of all? You don't need expensive fitness equipment to do them.

Checking in With Old Goals for the New Year

It seems like New Year's resolutions were made to be broken. This year, let's change that by looking old resolutions and getting them back on track.

Imagine Eating to Lose Weight (and Save Money)

Ready for what might be the cheapest weight-loss technique of all time? Imagine eating. (Don't worry, you actually eat too.)

Ready-to-Eat Meals for Weight Loss: Can They Fit into Your Food Budget?

Pre-prepared meals can be a great way to fit back into your old jeans...as long as you can also fit the meals into your food budget.

Need To Lose Some Weight? Put Some Money On It!

Recently I wrote about the incentive my husband gave me to lose some weight . Basically he is willing to forgo half of his entertainment budget if I lose the fat I gained post co

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