mental bias

Why It Pays to Be a Patient Shopper

When you want something, you want it now! But buying the first acceptable option that fits your budget could be costing you big bucks.

How Pre-Commitment Mechanisms Can Help You Resist Impulse Buys

You might think impulse buys are impossible to resist, but if you train your brain with pre-commitment mechanisms, you can fight those urges and save money in the process.

How to Resist These 4 Rationalizations to Spend Money

It can be easy to justify spending money on things you want. But there are ways to fight those urges, and protect your hard-earned money.

4 Mindful Spending Habits That Will Save You Money

These mindful spending strategies can help you resist those impulse buys.

How Keeping Up With the Joneses Can Actually Save You Money

Your budget can easily go off the rails if you're spending money just to keep pace with your friends, but in some cases, it can actually help you save.

8 Ways Social Media Tricks You Into Spending More

Scrolling through your Instagram might seem harmless — until you've spent $300 on skin care from a brand you've never heard of.

How to Avoid 7 Common Spring Spending Traps

It can be tempting to dig into savings and start spending money when springtime arrives. Instead, commit to sailing into summer with a healthy balance sheet.

How Scarcity Marketing Tricks You to Spend More

By next week, this post will have slipped off the front page. Click now or you'll miss your chance to learn how scarcity marketing nudges you to buy more.

6 Ways to Feel Better About Your Financial Situation

When account balances are low, it's easy to get down about our finances. There's a better way.

How Cutting Your Losses Can Save You More Than Money

Learn to let go and you'll gain way more than better financial habits. Sunk costs are sunk for a reason!

How Living on a Tight Budget Makes You Happier

Living on a tight budget can seem restrictive, but if you do it with intention, you'll discover lots of life satisfaction you may have been missing.

Here's How Too Many Decisions Costs You Money

Decisions, decisions — making too many can wear you out, and cause you to make some bad ones.

The One Question You Should Ask Before Every Major Purchase

Before you drop big bucks on a purchase, there's one question you should always ask yourself.