
Multitasking Sucks Even More Than You Thought

Here's yet another reason to give up on multitasking — plus a simple productivity plan to do instead to help you get stuff done.

The Only 5 Words You Need to Declutter Your Life

Bust your clutter with the help of these five words. Here's a hint — they all begin with the letter "R".

7 Mantras to Sharpen Your Resolve to Downsize and Declutter

Boost your decluttering efforts by tidying your mind with a clear mantra and stay focused on keeping only the things that satisfy your goals, wants, and desires.

How to Remember That Thing You Always Forget

You just know you've forgotten something, but you never remember what until you're far from home. Defeat forgetfulness with these strategies.

12 Ways to Make a Tiny Apartment Awesome

Make life in a tiny space seem elegant rather than cramped with a few simple decorating and design tricks.

101 Little Things You Can Fix Right Now!

Whether you're on hold with customer service or just have an extra minute or two, tackle one of these projects RIGHT NOW to make your life more awesome.

10 Weird Ways to Get Things Done That Might Work For You

Feel like your to-do list just goes on and on, no matter what you do? Try these (especially #5), and see if you aren't closer to "done."

10 No-Stress Ways to Do More in Less Time

Getting more done doesn't necessarily mean working more. Follow these tips to get more done in less time — and feel great.

Do This One Thing a Day to Defeat Clutter Forever

Got a problem with clutter? Make this one commitment, and your house (and life) will become awesomely clutter-free.

10 Super-Cool Ways to Add Hidden Storage to Your Home

If your living space is cluttered and you just don't know where to put everything, try one of these clever ways to keep your stuff out of sight.

This Is How You Declutter and Keep Your Stuff, Too

What if you could declutter and still keep all your awesome stuff? You can — here's how!

Declutter Your Home in 10 Minutes

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by your rising heaps of clutter. Bring order to your chaos and keep your home clean with this simple technique.

20 Ways to Live Large in a Small Space

Clutter piles up fast and eats up your square footage — especially if you live in a small space. Make the most of the space you have with these simple space makers.

Make Your To-Do Lists More Effective With These 5 Simple Hacks

If your to-do list is long on tasks and short on check-marks, up the power of everybody's favorite productivity tool with a few simple tweaks.

20 Unexpected Uses for Tension Rods

Tension rods are great for curtains, but don't stop there. The inexpensive hardware store staple has lots of household uses, from organizing an office to hiding the kids.

14 Ways to Organize a Messy Closet

Whether you're organizing your closet for the first time or need to make even more space, these tips will help keep your clothing neat and easy-to-access.

5 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Business

What to do when the obstacle to success is you.

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