parenting tips

Should You Pay Your Kids For Good Grades?

Have you ever considered rewarding your kids' good grades with money? Or is that a terrible idea? Let's discuss.

How to Get Your Kid Started With Investing

You don't have to wait until your kid grows up to show them how to invest. The earlier they start, the more they'll have later on!

6 Self-Care Rituals to Try When You Find Out You're Pregnant

You just found out you're pregnant! Time to make self-care your number one priority.

28 Free Ways to Entertain Your Kids This Summer

You can make plenty of fun memories with your kids this summer and it won't cost you a thing.

5 Questions to Ask Before Sending Your Child to Private School

Not sure if private school is right for your child? Get the answers to these questions before you decide.

10 Money Lessons Your Kids Can Learn While They Travel

Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean your kids can't learn valuable lessons about money.

How to Make Flying With an Infant Less of a Nightmare

Flying with an infant can be seamless or a nightmare, and it may all depend on what you bring.

8 Travel Must-Haves for Nursing Moms

Have travel plans as a new mom that don't include your new baby? Here's what you need before you hit the road.

How to Successfully Negotiate Everything With Your Kid

Negotiation is a key financial skill many of us don't learn until we're adults. Here's how to teach your kids the basics.

7 Essential Money Moves for New Parents

Having a kid is scary — and expensive! These money moves can make the transition a lot easier on your wallet.

4 Parenting Mistakes to Avoid When Teaching Kids About Money

If you want your children to be masters at managing money, you need to lead by example.

7 Frugal Living Skills You Should Be Teaching Your Children

No matter how young or old your kids may be, they will certainly be better off if they learn these frugal living skills now.

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