
Do You Have These Key Character Traits for Investing Success?

Being a successful investor isn't just about money management — it also comes down to personality.

7 Underrated Skills That Will Help You in Any Job

Not every job skill shows up on a resume. These underrated soft skills are just as beneficial to your career.

7 Money Lessons I Learned From Martial Arts

Deep money lessons can be found in the most unlikely places — even the dojo.

8 Ways Being Patient Saves You Money

Patience is a virtue — for your wallet, too. Find out how going zen can save you big time.

Are You a Hothead? 10 Things Patient People Never Say

Sometimes even the best of us lose our cool. If you find yourself belting out any of these phrases frequently — you may need to tone it down.

10 Ways to Stop Being Impatient and Live a More Satisfied Life

In our hurry up and wait culture, patience is a virtue. Read on to cultivate your sense of patience, no waiting necessary.

And...Breathe: Become More Patient in 9 Easy Steps

In a world of cell phones and instant downloads, being patient isn't just a virtue — it's downright difficult. Take a deep breath and follow these steps.

9 Simple Ways to Stop Impulse Buying

I can't tell you that changing your shopping habits will be easy, but these simple strategies can help you lock down your impulse spending.

Tech Life: 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be an Early Adopter

It might be a boost for your ego, but it's a bummer for your wallet. Learn why avoiding early adoption saves you money — and gets you better tech.

13 Ways To Be Nice That Will Cost You Barely Anything

It's not expensive to be nice -- in fact, it often costs nothing as Paul mentioned last week. Here are 12 easy ways to be nice that cost zero and a bonus idea that will set you

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