
5 Careers Where Women Earn More Than Men

The wage gap is no secret. But in these five career fields, it's women who come out on top of the pay scale.

The Proper Ways to Discuss Salary in a Job Interview

You know how to dress, shake hands, and conduct yourself for the perfect job interview. But how do you bring up salary?

Crime Scene Cleaner and 4 Other Trades That Pay Surprisingly Well

They make lack glamour, but these five careers pay pretty well, actually. Time to get to work on your resume?

10 Things Besides Salary to Negotiate at Work

Everything's negotiable. Find what else you should be asking for from your boss.

How to Negotiate Higher Pay at Your Next New Job

For most employees, a new job is the best opportunity for a significant pay raise. Get the salary you want (and deserve!) with these simple negotiating guidelines.

Reality TV: Does It Pay to Apply?

Reality television has exploded in recent years with top stars bringing in large sums for their exploits. You may not have eight kids or live in New Jersey, but what if you’d like

Should I Take a Job That Pays Less Than Unemployment?

The statistics are in. While the unemployment rate was last counted at 8.5%, the underemployment rate (those who quit looking for work or have taken part-time jobs in lieu of a de

How much money should a CEO make?

According to the Institute for Policy Studies, in 1980, American CEOs earned over 40 times more per year than the average American worker. Today, the average American CEO from a

The Federal Minimum Wage Increases This Week - Are You Getting a Pay Raise?

On July 24th, 2008, the Federal minimum wage in The United States will increase from $5.85 per hour to $6.55 per hour in accordance to the 2007 amendment to the Fair Labor Standar

HOW MUCH?! The free stuff you’ll have to pay for, sooner or later.

I flew to New York for business over the weekend. As I looked at the list of $8 pay-per-view movies and $5 snacks available, my mind went back in time to a few years ago, when free

10 Important Signs That Your Job Sucks

As someone who has had to make the decision to leave more than one lousy job, here's my 10 signs for knowing when to leave. I don't take the decision to quit lightly, and I don't t

Earn More Money by Demanding It

It can be very easy to be manipulated into accepting a lower salary than you are worth. Part of this is a lack of information - it's hard to know what a job should pay. The other p

Does it pay to be a jerk?

Ann Coulter recently managed to remind us that she's still around by saying yet another stupid thing. Now, I'm not going to defend or attack Coulter. [more]

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