Articles on Investment

5 Stocks to Buy If You Love the Earth

If you love all things green — that is, both the earth and making money — these eco-conscious stocks are for you.

5 Ways to Invest Like a Pro — No Financial Adviser Required

You don't need to hire a financial pro to invest like one. Try these DIY tips, and watch the confidence roll in.

5 Stocks Your Kids Would Love to Own

From Snapchat to Disney, these five stocks will get any tween excited to invest.

Make Smarter Investments by Mastering This Simple Ratio

Do you know how to read a P/E ratio? If not, it's time to add this key investing metric to your lexicon.

Why Warren Buffett Says You Should Invest in Index Funds

Warren Buffett made a huge bet on index funds — and won. Find out if you should make that bet, too.

10 Things Small Investors Should Know About Big Corporate Mergers

Corporate mergers make for a great news story. But what do they mean for everyday shareholders?

Your Loss Aversion Is Costing You More Than Your FOMO

Losing money hurts so much more than the thrill of getting it. Why is that?

How Are People Retiring in Their 30s?!

What if you could retire and travel the world by your 30s? It's not just fantasy — these bloggers have done it!

5 Surprising Budget Habits of Wealthy Financial Gurus

Even for the wealthiest of the wealthy, the simpler (and cheaper) things in life are better.

Want Your Investments to Do Better? Stop Watching the News

If you want to be a better investor, consider stepping away from the market "news."

How "Carried Interest" May Affect Our Taxes

Carried interest was a buzzword of the presidential election. Just what is it, anyways?

How to Spot Lousy Investment Advisers

"Superior" investment advice is a pretty rare thing. So rare, most of the time it's really just lousy.

The Fiduciary Rule Is Under Review — How Will This Affect Your Investments?

The Trump administration is holding the fiduciary rule in limbo. How could this affect you and your retirement?

The 3 Rules Every Mediocre Investor Must Know

The surprising truth is that mediocre investing advice is probably right for you. Learn about the basics.

The Surprising Truth of Investing: Mediocre Advice Is Best

While you might wish for superior investing advice, it turns out mediocre advice is really all you need.

5 Smart Places to Stash Your Kid's College Savings

Sending your kids to college is expensive. These investment vehicles are the smartest ways to start saving up.

5 Investments That Aren't Stocks or Bonds

Stock ownership is at the lowest rate in almost two decades. These alternative investments may be the reason why.

These 8 Small Cap Value Investments Are on Fire

Ready to supercharge your portfolio? Look to these small and undervalued companies that have been on fire.

8 Stocks to Dump Before the New Year

Sometimes even investments have sell-by dates. You might want to cut your losses with these investments before 2017.

How to Protect Yourself From an Investment Scam

That guy in an Internet chatroom with a hot stock tip probably isn't really a Wall Street insider with time to spare. Just saying.

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