Articles on Personal Finance

How to Get Rid of and Avoid Late Fees

Of all the ways you can waste money, paying late fees is one of the worst. Learn how to never pay another late fee again.

How to Retire During a Recession

As the economy remains shaky, retirement can seem oh-so-unattainable. But there are ways to make it work — and even make your retirement enjoyable.

The Safest Cars for Teen Drivers

Watching your kid drive away in his first car can be nerve-racking. Feel better by finding the safest frugal vehicle for your teen.

Investing With Your Values

Sure, you recycle. But are you investing in companies that trash the planet? Here's how to find out whether your investments line up with your ideals.

5 Reasons to Ditch Other Stock Investments for the S&P 500

Whether you're intimidated by the stock market or you just want a simpler way to invest, buying the S&P 500 index fund might be right for you.

The Top 10 Cheapest Cars to Insure

Buying a new car, and want to keep your insurance premiums down? Stick to one of these models.

Put Off Saving for Retirement

With this plan, your retirement will be just as secure, and your first few years will be a lot more comfortable.

5 Myths about Deducting T&E Expenses

Don't let these five common tax and entertainment expense myths trip you up at tax time.

18 Year End Financial Must Dos

The window of opportunity is closing rapidly for many key financial moves. Act soon, or you may miss out on substantial tax savings and more.

Abandon Losing Strategies

We're always told to keep going until we make it. But the truth is that sometimes, giving up is the right move. Learn why.

Tax and Financial Concerns for Cohabitating Co-Owners

Couples planning to intermingle their marriage contracts with their business contracts should not overlook the tax and financial implications of the union of their unions.

Your Finances: 4 Emotional Decisions to Avoid

When it comes to making smart financial decisions, our emotions can be a powerful enemy.

Which Frequent Flier Program Has the Best Awards Availability?

Sick of blackout dates and high mileage requirements? Discover which frequent flier programs are best — and which ones to leave behind when you fly.

6 Simple Tips to Keep Your Car Running Longer

How often your car breaks down and how much repairs cost are largely within your control. Learn how to care for your car right, so it keeps running.

5 Myths About Car Insurance

Think you have to pay more for being a female driver, having a red car, or driving a pricey vehicle? Learn the real story behind these and other myths.

Should You Avoid Rewards Cards With Annual Fees?

The common wisdom is that credit cards with annual fees are never worth it, but the truth is that you could be missing out on valuable rewards.

5 Things To Know About Year-End Bonuses

Year end bonuses can be a good way to reward and motivate your employees. Just be sure you're following state and federal tax regulations.

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for Car Insurance

Too often, drivers pay more than they need to for car insurance. Discover how to avoid common mistakes and save lots of cash.

The Best Credit Cards for Hotel Deals and Rewards

Savvy travelers know how to stretch travel dollars even more with these hotel rewards credit cards.

How to Get Cheap Auto Insurance for Young Drivers

What's scarier than letting your teen drive for the first time? The high price of his car insurance. Follow these tips to keep your kid's insurance costs down.