Articles on Personal Finance

Best Money Tips: Hidden Costs of Buying a House

Today we found some awesome articles on the hidden costs of buying a house, vacations to take when your budget is low, and alternatives to traditional gift-wrapping.

Win a 2012 Money Planner Workbook!

This 2012 Money Planner can help you define and achieve your goals for the next year and beyond — and we're giving away three for free.

Paying for a Piece of the Pizza: Techniques for Splitting the Bill

Sick of being the person to count everyone's cash or cover for a mooching friend? Next time you're splitting the check, try one of these techniques.

5 Ways to Earn Cashback Rewards Without Extra Spending

You can earn hundreds of dollars of extra cash without spending more money.

How to Spend Less Without Starting a Budget

If you've had trouble making or following a budget, don't despair! You might be better off without one. Learn why — and how to save no matter what.

How to Set Up Automatic Payments

Sick of sitting down to pay the bills? Don't! Set up automatic payments, and let your bank (or the company you're paying!) do the work for you.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Debt Snowball Method

If you're trying to pay off a stack of debts, the snowball method can give you the motivation you need to knock them all out. Learn how.

The Psychology of Cash Flow

Money flows in and out of your life. To keep a good handle on it, you not only need to get a good handle on your budget, but also on your mind.

Big Mistakes You Can Make When Selling Your Home

Selling your home can be stressful at the best of times. To ensure the process really goes well, avoid these common blunders.

6 Awesome Credit Card Tricks That Will Save You Money

Learn how to double sign-up bonuses, extend billing periods to 55 days, and earn rewards without wasting a dime.

Decoding The New Tax Rules For Merchants

Prelude to a national sales tax? Maybe not, but new IRS rules mean credit card companies and online payment processors now must report the transactions they manage.

Which Type of Rewards Credit Card is Right for You?

Avoid marketing traps and start earning juicy rewards off money you're already spending.

Drive the Old Car or Buy a New Car?

The cost of a new car can be much bigger than the sticker price...even going so far as to affect your retirement savings.

How to Switch Banks

Getting tired of high ATM fees and no interest on your savings account? Want to switch to a better bank or credit union? Do so in a few easy steps.

Is Paying Off Your Mortgage Early Costing You Money?

Are you worrying too much about whether you should pay off your mortgage early or invest that extra cash? Here's an article for you.

Tax Law Changes For 2012: What You Need To Know

Here's a look at tax law changes you can expect for 2012 and how to plan ahead to take advantage of those changes now.

How to Earn a Good Interest Rate in a Low-Rate Environment

If you're feeling ho-hum about saving while interest rates hover around 1%, discover why current interest rates don’t dictate your average return over time.

6 Ways My Family Scores Free Travel With Credit Cards

Want to travel the world for free? Take advantage of my insider tips that took me years to learn!

6 Common Excuses for Not Saving Money

If you don't feel like you're saving enough money, there's probably one thing stopping you — you. Learn how to get over the excuses and start saving.

Financial Emergencies: How to Weather the Storm

A financial emergency can seem insurmountable — but if you follow these steps, you can get through unscathed.