Articles on Personal Finance

How Investing Drives Us Crazy: Lessons From a Trade

Even when you do everything "right," you can still lose money on a trade. Get some good investing advice (even if it's not a guaranteed path to wealth).

The Best Money Tools and Toys for Every Age Group

Whether your kids are crawling or off to college, these parent-recommended resources can help them have fun while learning how to use money responsibly.

6 Cheap Ways to Stage Your Home in a Buyer's Market

Home sellers can be low on leverage in a buyer's market. But these six simple, inexpensive things can help you make the sale.

Bear Markets Explained

When the market becomes a lumbering, angry grizzly, we're all at risk of getting attacked. Learn all about bear markets and how they can affect you.

When DIY Car Repair Costs More

If the only reason you are doing certain car repairs yourself is to save money, you may be spending more money than you have to.

Best Money Tips: Achieving a Perfect Credit Score

Today we found some great articles on achieving a perfect credit score, steps to a home energy audit, and ways to make your career a success.

5 Ways Newlyweds Screw Up Money Management

Marriage isn't just a joining of two people who love each other, it's also a joining of their finances. Avoid these mistakes to make sure you achieve fiscal bliss.

Social Security Is Not a Ponzi Scheme

Once again, people are comparing Social Security to a Ponzi scheme. That's a bogus comparison. Here's why.

Best Money Tips: Teaching Kids How to Donate Money

Today we found some great articles on teaching kids how to donate money, cutting the cost of college tuition, and why you need to carry cash.

Best Money Tips: How to Save Money on a Car

Today we found some awesome articles on how to save money on a car, reasons why you need a financial advisor, and how to save on your electric bill.

The Recession Glossary

Insource? Bleisure? Double-dip? The recession has generated a lot of new terms. Learn what they all mean in this recession glossary.

Ways to Track Debt

If you're not keeping track of debt, you're probably not making much progress in paying it off. Follow one of these methods to easily track and pay off your debt.

Farewell to Homeownership: Lessons to Share

Losing your home is not the end of all things. In fact, it could be the beginning of something better. Learn from one writer's experience.

How to Thrive in Uncertainty

The economy is still shuddering, but that doesn't mean your finances need to shake in fear. Learn how to stay financially strong in times like these.

Cloud Computing and Your Wallet

By providing processing power and storage elsewhere, cloud computing can totally change how you interact with your data. Discover how it can affect you.

The Worst Investments You Can Make

If your idea of investing is ensuring that you'll never see your money again, then we have some great investment suggestions for you.

Credit Unions vs. Banks: What's the Difference?

Banks and credit unions both have their benefits...and the potential to be totally annoying. Here's how to figure out which institution is right for you.

Best Money Tips: Late Retirement Planning Tips

Today we found some great articles on late retirement planning tips, how to hedge against gas price increases, and clever ways to pay for your kids' college.

Organizing Your Financial Paperwork

By reducing paperwork before you organize, keeping your financial documents in order can become quick, easy, and (mostly) painless.

Best Money Tips: Deadly Credit Card Sins

Today we found some great articles on credit card sins, how to make an unbeatable resume, and tips for debt management.