Articles on Personal Finance

What Was Your Financial Fork in the Road?

Sometimes there's just one moment, one little thing that makes us change our lives for the better. Did you have a financial fork in the road?

Best Money Tips: Ways to Make Saving Fun

Today we found some great articles on ways to make saving fun, offbeat ways to make money, and online job search techniques to avoid.

VA Home Loan Benefits and Myths

Many veterans and active service members don't realize they're eligible for VA home loans, which can both save them money and provide other substantial benefits.

Tax Penalties for Early Retirement Withdrawals

Taking money from a retirement fund early is tempting, but it comes with heavy consequences. Discover alternatives to cashing out that 401(k).

What if the Mortgage Interest Deduction Went Away?

What would happen if the mortgage interest deduction were eliminated?

5 Money Lessons From Millionaires

When it comes to managing money, millionaire tactics tend to contain a surprising amount of common sense and frugality.

Save on Car Maintenance With These 5 DIY Tips

Some car maintenance tasks are simple enough even for novices. These tasks require only a little time, a little knowledge, and a few tools.

How to Buy and Sell Airline Miles

Frequent flyer miles are great, but you can't always use them when you need them. Learn how to buy, sell, and otherwise make use of your airline miles.

Best Money Tips: Tips to Help Pay for Car Repairs

Today we found some great articles on tips to help pay for car repairs, preparing for your next financial crisis, and banking mistakes you don't want to make.

The 7-Year Mortgage: Take It or Leave It?

Could a seven-year mortgage be the perfect for thing for you, or put your homeownership at risk? Understand your options with this guide.

Zen and the Art of Hiding Money

Saving money can require a change in both your outlook and your techniques. Here's how to get zen about money and force yourself to save.

Debt Ceiling Contingency Plans

What will the Treasury do if there's no increase in the debt ceiling, and what should you do with your investments?

The Debt Ceiling Crisis in Everyday English

Wondering what the debt ceiling is and how the current crisis could effect you? Learn what's going on and what it means for both the country and average Americans.

5 Tips for Buying a Commercial Short Sale or Foreclosure

Short sales and foreclosures aren't limited to the residential market. High numbers of distressed commercial properties mean opportunities for savvy buyers who do their homework.

Home Improvements That Pay Off

If you're eventually planning to sell your home want to spruce it up, follow these suggestions to make savvy improvements that provide the best ROI.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Split Expenses With a Partner

Today we found some great articles on ways to split expenses with a partner who makes more, how to get more value from Netflix, and dating tips for frugal men.

To Shred or Not to Shred: How Long to Keep Your Tax Records

When it comes to your tax records, it can pay to be a hoarder. But how long is too long to hold on to "important" papers?

Best Money Tips: 57 Shortcuts to Prosperity

Today we found some awesome articles on shortcuts to prosperity, tips for thrift shopping success, and how to save money at Target.

Understanding the Gold Standard

The gold standard was used to define currency since Roman times. Discover how it worked, why it doesn't anymore, and how it affects our finances today.

37 Savings Changes You Can Make Today

From cutting costs to getting unadvertised discounts to setting up an automatic savings plan, these 37 easy changes can help you save more