Articles on Personal Finance

Medical Tourism 101: Listen Live for Big Savings

Have you ever wondered what the phrase “medical tourism” really meant? Are you looking for ways to cut back on healthcare costs (both at home and abroad)? We chat candidly with A

Retirement accounts and money to spend

Everybody knows that retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs offer great tax advantages (and once upon a time--and maybe again someday--a corporate match). But people who have p

How (and Why) to Buy Life Insurance

Buying Life Insurance seems to be one of those “I’ve finally grown up, I guess I need life insurance” sorts of decisions you make. It often comes into play when you buy a house, ge

How to recognize and answer illegal interview questions

In the United States job seekers are protected by a myriad of anti-discrimination laws. Despite these laws many potential employers still want employees that fit a narrow profile

If You Won The Lottery, You Would...

What would you do if you had all the money you needed for you, your children, your children's children, and so on? Would you drop everything and retire or would you keep working? I

It takes a frugal spouse to make a frugal home

Something of an exaggeration, of course—a one-person household can be very frugal. But there's an underlying truth: A household is only as frugal as its least-frugal member.

How to Survive (And Perhaps Thrive) On a Teacher's Salary

In today’s economic climate, many people would be grateful to have any kind of salary, but it’s a fact that many teachers and other service professionals have always been strugglin

Obama Eases Treasury Costs with At-Home Money Printing Stimulus

Everyone is feeling the economic crunch these days, and that includes the Treasury department. It’s no news to anyone here that there has been increasing unhappiness with President

Will these car buying incentives get you to buy a new car?

This week President Obama rolled out an initiative for the failing American automakers to restructure. The plan proposes several consumer incentives to jumpstart auto sales. Her

The Psychology of Salaries: Do You Want to Know How Much Your Coworkers Make?

It's easy to get sucked into the whole drama of wondering what everyone you work with makes and how you stack up with them. But there's a delicate balance between making sure you'r

The Overdraft Protection Racket: Why Banks Want You To Overdraw, And How You Can Get Your Money Back.

I know banks are hurting for money right now, but no more than the rest of us. And one aspect of modern banking that I find most disturbing is how banks allow you to go overdrawn s

Do generous unemployment benefits prolong the length of unemployment?

The latest news is that unemployment benefits will be extended from 59 weeks to 79 weeks in California with the help of the new Federal stimulus money. The maximum benefit has ris

10 Reasons Why I Prefer Credit Cards Over Cash

You can call this a defense of the maligned credit card. There are a lot of people out there who are very distrustful of credit cards and the companies that offer them, no thanks t

Did Your Parents Give You a Whole Life Insurance Policy? Here's What to Do With It.

What is whole life insurance all about? If you have any questions about this, read on.

Best of Personal Finance: Credit Where Credit Is Due Edition

Credit cards are fun for the whole family, until the bills start rolling in and you are expected to hand over your hard-earned money for the stuff you bought on plastic. In this we

Best Tips for First Time Home Buyers: Learn to Trust

I started out the home buying process by scouring the internet for information and hitting up the local library. I read 8 or 9 books and countless blogs and websites and still cou

Don't worry about missing the bottom in houses

I've recently heard from several people who want to buy a house and are thinking that now may be the time. In particular, they're worried that waiting might cause them to "miss th

Cash Is King: Now What Should I Do With It?

When the going gets tough, the tough accumulate huge piles of cash. Great. But what do you do with it once you've piled it all up. There are lots of options out there, but which on

AIG employees - Why you should donate your bonuses instead of returning it

Lately many top AIG employees who were targeted by Congress in the $165 million "Bonusgate" incident have returned their bonuses. Some people are still holding out, and in my opin

Ten Great Charities that Deserve Your Dollars This Year

These are difficult economic times, but I'm getting tired of being told to spend my money on stuff, as if my personal saving habits are somehow ruining the economy. Instead of thro