
How to Succeed When You're the Oldest Person at Work

When your boss is much younger than you, it can be a blow to the ego. It's time to let it go and get on with the job.

How to Ask for Your Old Job Back After Leaving

You quit your job. You said your goodbyes. But now … you want back in. Where do you start?

Flashback Friday: 42 Ways the 7 Deadly Sins Are Keeping You Poor

Greed, pride, and the five other deadly sins might be the reason for your financial struggles.

7 Ways Pride Is Keeping You Poor

Pride is not your friend. It can mess with your good judgment, and convince you to make terrible financial decisions.

Why Scientists Say You Should Be Committing the 7 Deadly Sins

Sloth, Pride, Gluttony — go for it! It turns out that sinning — in moderation — is probably actually good for you.

The seven deadly sins of consumerism (and the frugal redemption).

Sit ye down, hold your loved ones tight, and get ready for the seven deadliest sins of the modern day consumer. (By the way, I know I’m a movie buff when I can reference two of the greatest films ever made in one blog headline. [more]

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