reverse mortgages

4 Ways to Find Income While Waiting for Full Retirement Age

Don't just sit around waiting for your full retirement age to start bringing in maximum social security benefits — bring in some extra money in the meantime!

Home Reverse Mortgaged? Here's How to Sell It

Reverse mortgages are growing in demand as the population ages. This means more of these homes will be hitting the market, too.

How to Avoid Getting Scammed With a Reverse Mortgage

Reverse mortgages don't have the best reputation, but when entered into wisely, an HECM can offer seniors strapped for cash real help.

6 Retirement Products That Aren't Worth Your Money

These retirement products promise stability and wealth in your golden years, but the truth is, you're better off without them.

5 Downsides of a Reverse Mortgage

A reverse mortgage may sound like a good plan in retirement, but beware — these loans are not without their drawbacks.

Reverse Mortgages: The Best Way to "Eat Your Home"?

A reverse mortgage allows a senior citizen homeowner to access the equity in their home without having to sell their house or otherwise uproot themselves unwillingly.