Roth IRA

Why Health Care Should be Part of Your Retirement Savings Plan, Too

Retirement planning isn't just about saving for the fun stuff. In fact, one major piece may be missing from your retirement plan.

Stop Believing These 5 Myths About IRAs

Don't let these myths prevent you from getting an IRA — the most important savings account you may ever have.

9 Smart Financial Gifts to Give New Grads Besides Cash

New grads love cash, but these other money-oriented gifts can really help propel them into adulthood.

How Job-Hoppers Can Keep Up With Their Retirement Savings

Job hopping is now the norm in the working world. Make sure to take your retirement savings along for the ride.

4 Things Teens Can Do Now to Prepare for Financial Independence

As your teen gets ready to take on the world, help them get a leg up on financial independence.

5 Alternatives to a 401(k) Plan

If you're nervous about the future of 401(k) plans, you'll be pleased to know you have other options.

Yes, You Can Pay for Education With an IRA

There's more than one way to help pay for college. This little known tip could save you from taking out student loans.

Money a Mess? Try This Personal Finance Starter Kit

There may be no personal finance starter kit you can order right to your door (yet, anyway), but don't worry: You can build one yourself.

How to Save for Retirement When You Are Unemployed

So you're out of work. That doesn't mean you have to lose track of your retirement savings.

6 Reasons Every Millennial Needs a Roth IRA

You're young, you're earning an income, and you're ready to save for retirement. It's time to open a Roth IRA.

5 Retirement Accounts You Don't Need a Ton of Money to Open

Don't let high minimums dissuade your retirement savings goals. These Roth IRAs can get you started, no minimum investment required.

5 Stocks Your Kids Would Love to Own

From Snapchat to Disney, these five stocks will get any tween excited to invest.

5 Smart Places to Stash Your Kid's College Savings

Sending your kids to college is expensive. These investment vehicles are the smartest ways to start saving up.

Using Your Roth IRA as an Emergency Fund — Ever a Good Idea?

You know you need an emergency fund, but you just don't have one. When "disaster" strikes, where can you turn for fast cash? Your Roth IRA can help.

A Simple Guide to Rolling Over All of Your 401Ks and IRAs

Wondering what to do with your 401K or IRA after a job switch? We'll break it down for you.

Does Your Kid Need an IRA?

Ready to give your child a mega financial jumpstart? Consider opening them a Roth IRA.

Which Retirement Account Is Right for You?

We all know that saving for retirement is of key importance. But how do you pick the right plan for you?

6 Warning Signs You're Sabotaging Your Nest Egg

Do your future you a favor and stop making these all-too-common retirement mistakes.

9 Tax-Friendly Ways to Save Beyond Your Retirement Fund

Reach your retirement savings cap? There are still plenty of savvy ways to avoid a big tax bill after maxing out your IRA and 401K!

This One Thing Will Get You to $1 Million (Tax-Free!)

Saving a big hunk of money for retirement — up to a cool million — is not complicated or hard. All you have to do is this one thing, every month.

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